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Every word in the language, in the Devīshc alphabetical order. Short and long vowels are treated the same.

Current Size: 53 Words


Erūko - [e̞.ɾ̠ɯː.ko̞] - noun - Cloud

Etu - [e̞.tɯ] - noun - Center

Enohve - [e̞.no̞x.ve̞] - noun - Lesser Moon


Aruģ - [ɐ.ɾ̠ɯɣ] - adjective/adverb - awful/awfully (very intense)

Ari - [ɐ.ɾ̠i] - verb - To like/enjoy

Aģ - [ɐɣ] - adjective/adverb - bad/badly

Ante - [ɐn.te̞] - noun - Cat


One - [o̞.ne̞] - particle - marks the genitive case for adjectives/adverbs

Onehve - [o̞.ne̞x.ve̞] - noun - Greater Moon

Oka - [o̞.kɐ] - pronoun - Inclusive "we"

Okalu - [o̞.kɐ.lɯ] - pronoun - Exclusive we "we"


Ukka - [ɯ.kːɐ] - pronoun - You

Ukkalu - [ɯ.kːɐ.lɯ] - pronoun - Them


Iruh - [i.ɾ̠ɯx] - adjective/adverb - amazing/amazingly (very intense)

Ih -[ix] - adjective/adverb - good/well

Idaí - [i.dɐɪ̯] - pronoun - It


Eíraí - [eɪ̯.ɾ̠ɐɪ̯] - noun - Sun

Eíto - [eɪ̯.to̞] - verb - To dislike

Eívālo - [eɪ̯.vɐː.lo̞] - noun - Holy Magic

Eíkor - [eɪ̯.ko̞ɾ̠] - noun - God


Aíre - [ɐɪ̯.ɾ̠e̞] - noun - Light

Aíreh - [ɐɪ̯.ɾ̠e̞x] - adjective/adverb - bright/brightly

Aíshu - [ɐɪ̯.ɕɯ] - noun - Snow

Aíshūndzo - [ɐɪ̯.ɕɯːn.d͡zo̞] - noun - Snowmelt (derived from aíshu+hānjo)

Aídzov - [ɐɪ̯.d͡zo̞v] - noun - Magic




Rekki - [ɾ̠e̞.kːi] - noun - Dog

Rikeddo - [ɾ̠i.ke̞.dːo̞] - noun - Sunlight filtering through trees



Vātseí - [vɐː.t͡seɪ̯] - noun - Weather with the sun out (not necessarily cloudless).

Vaílo - [vɐɪ̯.lo̞] - noun - Soul



Hānjo - [hɐːn.d͡ʑo̞] - verb - To melt

Hakka - [hɐ.kːɐ] - Dream



Tse - [t͡se̞] - verb - Copular Verb (To be, I am, it is, you are, etc.)



Dzeru - [d͡ze̞.ɾ̠ɯ] - noun - Dark

Dzeruģ - [d͡ze̞.ɾ̠ɯģ] - adjective/adverb - dark/darkly

Dzumi - [d͡zɯ.mi] - noun - House

Dzir - [d͡ziɾ̠] - noun - Art (as in "the art of __," not the fine arts)

Dzaíruk - [d͡zɐɪ̯.ɾ̠ɯk] - noun - Dark Magic



Gotso - [go̞.t͡so̞] - verb - To say



Neggui - [ne̞.gːɯ.i] - verb - To see

Nazhke - [nɐʑ.ke̞] - noun - Fire

Nwir - [nʷiɾ̠] - noun - Life

Nwih - [nʷix] - adjective/adverb - alive/alive-ily


Miģ - [miɣ] - adjective/adverb - quick/quickly

Min - [min] - noun - Day (as in a day)





Kaģ - [kɐɣ] - adjective/adverb - large/large-ily

Koritsu - [ko̞.ɾ̠i.t͡sɯ] - noun - Rain

Koraí - [ko̞.ɾ̠ɐɪ̯] - pronoun - Me, Myself, I, etc.

Kōtsu - [ko̞ː.t͡sɯ] - verb - To shine

Kuomi - [kɯ.o̞.mi] - noun - Heart

Kimi - [ki.mi] - verb - To love

Kimaíru - [ki.mɐɪ̯.ɾ̠ɯ] - interjection - I love you

Kra - [kɾ̠ɐ] - noun - Death

Kraģ - [kɾ̠ɐɣ] - adjective/adverb - dead/dead-ily


Lokem - [lo̞.ke̞m] - noun - Land, soil, realm

Luh - [lɯx] - adjective/adverb - small/small-ily


Devokem - [de̞.vo̞.ke̞m] - noun - The land of the Devi People. (derived from Devi+lokem)

Devi - [de̞.vi] - noun - The people that speak Devīśc.

Devīshc - [de̞.viːɕt͡ɕ] - noun - Language of the Devi people.


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