(5) A Drunken Selena

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Selenas' POV

I can't believe Demi persuaded me to come to this midnight party with her, the only reason I agreed was because Justin asked for me to come. Demi filled me in with whatever happened downstairs, I totally had forgotten that I left my jacket there. I should be careful around him, now that he's suspicious. I finished curling the last strand of hair and hair-sprayed it all together. Even though I wasn't quite happy with going, I did love attending them. I was always at parties, so maybe this won't be so bad. I wasn't quite pleased with my outfit but it was the only dress I had managed to bring. I really need to go shopping soon.

"Come on Selena, we're already late!" Demi screamed. I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. Demi looked stunning, her outfit screamed 'stunner'. We took a picture on her camera and then drove off in her car. Demi drove into a big house, like a mansion just a little less smaller. It was beautiful, with fountains on either said of the driveway, colourful flowers all around the fields. The house glowed from the moonlight behind it.

"This beauty belongs to Joe" Demi told me. Joe was Demis ex-boyfriend, but after they had broken up they still stayed in contact. She also filled me in on how much she was in love with Ryan. We got out the car and started to walk into the house.


This just reminds me of the celebrity parties that were thrown in L.A.

Pure perfection.

Drunk people everywhere, just a few sober. Some were passed out all over the house, there were couples making out, non-couples making out, having public sex, dancing on each other, there were gamblers and dealers here too. This was definitely going to be one heck of a fun night. I promised not to drink too much, but who knows.

"What are you doing here?" Cailin asked, walking up to us.

"I was invited, not that it has anything to do with you." Demi simply replied, not wanting to give Cailin any of her time. I admired her confidence, something I wish I could have.

"Woah. Keep the claws to yourself tonight girls." Joe said, standing between the two girls. "My house, my rules."

"I need to get a drink." She told me. I needed a drink too, I haven't drank for a few weeks now. We walked over to the shots table and gulped down about four shots, I shivered and then smiled happily.

"This is amazing." I confessed and Demi laughed at me.

"I wonder where Justin is and the lads." Demi asked, looking around until she spotted Alfredo and Ryan talking to each other. She grabbed my arm and walked over to them.

"Hey Ryan and Alfredo. Where's my cousin?" Demi asked.

"He went off with Cailin somewhere." Alfredo told.

I was hurt. So hurt. But I shouldn't feel like this, I already knew what was going on between the two of them.

Demi looked over at me with a comfort smile.

"By the way, this is Summer. Summer this is Ryan and Alfredo." Demi introduced them to me, we laughed for a little. They were really nice guys.

"Come dance with me Demi." Ryan offered, he took out his hand for Demi to hold. She giggled at how much of a gentleman he was.

"I'll be back Selena!" Demi screamed at me over the music, she held his hand and walked to the dance floor.

"I think I'm going to go to the lads." Alfredo informed me and walked off, leaving me alone.

Great, I thought. I walked over to the drinks table, grabbed a vodka bottle and started to drink it all.

"Never knew a girl was so fond of vodka." A guy laughed from behind me.

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