(10) A Stronger Bond

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Selenas' POV

Whatever happened at school, I decided to keep quiet about it. There is no point in making a fuss about it, I'll just sort it out with Taylor later on. Demi and I were in my bedroom, picking out outfits that I could wear to my date with Justin later on. According to him, it will be adventurous. He did tell me to wear something fancy.

"Oh, how about this one?" Demi took out a silvery long dress. I shook my head.

"Too sparkly. I want something simple but yells sexy!" I said, imagining the perfect dress in my head.

"I know the perfect dress for you to wear!" She ran to her room, few seconds later she came in holding it behind her.

"Show me!"

I squealed with excitement as soon as I saw it. It was perfect.

"He'll love it." I smirked. He was going to be all over me, that's for sure.

*two hours later - doorbell rings*

Just in time! I was all ready, hair done, clothes on and the perfect heels to match. Perfection.

"Hey Dems." I heard Justin greet Demi from downstairs.

"Summer! Justin is here." Demi yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my clutch purse and walked down the stairs to meet Justin gob smacked. Plan succeeded already.

"You might want to close your mouth unless you want flies entering it." I giggled, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry. You just look so stunning, so sexy." He said, eyeing me up and down. He didn't look bad himself. 

"Shall we go?" I giggled, he nodded. He held his arm out for me, I happily held onto it.

"I'll see you later Demi." 

We walked out of the house and made our way to an unfamiliar car.

"Just for the date." Justin told me, making me smile. He was so cute. This was so cute. I wonder how much it cost.

He opened the car door for me, helping me settle inside. He then ran to the other side and got in.

"Buckle up babe." He said in a warning tone. I quickly clicked on the seatbelt and smiled at him.

I felt a little guilty keeping the whole Taylor situation away from him. But what he doesn't know, won't hurt him. Right?

End of Selenas' POV


Justins' POV

I started to drive to the restaurant. I kept glancing over at Summer who looked perfect. I was a lucky man.

She was fidgeting a lot with her fingers, probably just nerves. I held onto her hand, soon getting a smile from her.

"Where are we going then?" She asked.

"I've told you that I won't tell you, but the first place we are going is to this high-end restaurant. You'll love it!" 

"Sounds great already. Justin, you don't have to do all this for me. You do know that, right?" She sighed. 

"I know, but I want too. I want to spoil my girlfriend. Is that so bad?" 

"Not at all. Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

"We are here!" I announced, parking up. Summer studied the scenery in front of her.

"Gosh, it's perfect." She said, making me chuckle. I leaned in and pecked her lips twice. I was hungry, hungry for her lips, but I'll save that for later. I helped her get out of the car and we made our way inside of the restaurant. 

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