Chapter 2

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"Wait first you need to go get the twins Mischief and Manage" Says Shadow to Flame

"Fine, be right back" Says Flame and with that is walks into some flames and walks out with the twins Mischief and Manage, or better know as Fred and George Weasley.

"Hey Shadow" Says Mischief/Fred 

"Flame said you needed us" Says Manage/George

"I just thought you would not want to miss out on the fun, we are about to revel are turn names. You guys in?" Asked Shadow

"of course this should be fun, especially for you" They Say together 

"I know that's why I go last" Shadow Says smirking

"Okay so we will go first" They Say

"I am Mischief better know as Fred Weasley" Says Mischief

"And I am Manage better know as George Weasley" Says Manage

"We are the Twins" They Say

"Next Twisted" Says Shadow

"Alright My name is Twisted better know as Luna Lovegood" Says Twisted while taking off her sunglasses

"Next Plants" Says Shadow

"So as Shadow said I am Plants better know to you all as Neville Longbottom" Says Plants while taking off his sunglasses

Everyone just looks shocked these were two of the kids who had gone missing 4 years ago

"Next Gils" Says Shadow

"Yay this will be fun! My name is Gils better know here as, wait for it..." says Gils

"Lets go Gils we do not have all night" Shouts Flame 

"Alright, temper temper, you all know me as NIKKY BLACK!" Gils Yells to everyone 

"Hello Daddy, long time no see" Says Gils as she looks right at Professor Black who had paled a lot 

"Next Flame" Says Shadow

"As my boyfriend all ready said I am Flame Better know to you guys as Ginny Weasley" Says Flame in annoyed tone

"Wait one sec. Did you say boyfriend?" Yells Mischief

"You see what you did this is why I said don't tell anyone. But no you just told everyone" Sighs Shadow

"Sorry Shadow" Says Flame as she pecks him on the lips

"It's fine, I guess it's my turn now" Says Shadow

"I think I want to play the guessing game, what do you think guys?" Says Shadow as he looks at the Protectors and the Twins

"I say go for it" Says Manage

"More fun" Says Mischief

"Okay everyone" Yells Shadow

 "I have messy jet black hair, my twin brother is in Gryffindor, and I have green eyes" Says Shadow

Chris looks at Shadow and pales a little but stays quiet

"No one? Anyone?... Pity" Says Shadow 

"Guess you all forgot about the already forgotten boy" He Says

James and Lily look at each other and pale as they start to realize who Shadow is 

"My name is Shadow but I am better know to some of you as, wait for it..." Says Shadow

"Your just as bad as Gils hurry up" Shouts Flame 

"Okay for you love. Some of you know me as HARRY JAMES POTTER" Yells Shadow smirking at his parents shocked and pale faces

The whole school is shocked and just starring at the Protectors and the Twins.

"Hello Mother, Father, Big Brother. Forget about me again it's okay I am used to it with you all" Says Shadow

"How dare you come back?!" Shouted someone from the Gryffindor table

"Now Chris, shouldn't I come back? Are you scared that all the attention won't be on you anymore?" Shadow quietly answered without turning around

"Get away! I don't want you to be part of my life!" Chris Shouted back

This time Shadow spun around and glared at his brother.

"That's okay. Next time you're in trouble I won't send any of MY Rebels to risk their lives for you!" Shadow Hissed

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Asked Chris

"Oh yeah! You think that you did everything! Well let's get some things clear..." Shadow started

"You wouldn't have survived your first year if it weren't for ME and all the Protectors and Rebels I trained! The stone would have been stolen in the second week of the term, because old Dumbledore thought that Voldemort was a first year..." Yelled Shadow 

"If you, my brother and Granger could get through those obstacles, what made you think that Voldermort couldn't?" Added Flame "If it weren't for us you wouldn't even know about the stone."

"We had to put Hagrid under a charm to let him slip things to you" Gils told Chris "We didn't let Quirell see the dog until the second term"

"We added curses and hexes so he couldn't get down until the last term almost ended," Said Plants "You already knew about it then..."

"If it weren't for us Dumbledore wouldn't have got to you on time!" Says Twisted "We triggered the alarms that told him to get back to school immediately"

"And who the hell do you think sealed the Chamber of Secrets in your second year?" Asked Flame dangerously low "That was Shadow. He found and rescued a frighted first year from the layer of the most dangerous snake; a basilisk!"

"Third year: Peter Pettigrew! You really have no idea how to fight dementors so you can thank MY Rebels that your still alive." Shadow spat out

"Oh and your fourth year? Don't even let us start" Plants Laughed

"We tamed down the dragon and the merpeople" Gils told Chris Potter

"I lost two people because they were saving your skin!" Shadow Shouted "We put up a barrier so Death Eaters couldn't touch you while you 'dueled' Voldy-pants. And I actually helped you in that duel. Do you honestly believe that Moldy is so slow in duels? He isn't! I slowed him down with a special charm."

Flame hugged him from behind when he ended his rant. He was breathing heavily trying to cool down his temper.

He suddenly turned towards the entrance and said in a completely business like voice "Rebels: CAG 15" and he and the rest of the Protectors walked out

"Did they leave?" Dumbledore Asked with a bit of fear in his voice

"Nah," Laughed Mischief
"They just went to their room" Added Manage

"What did he say?" Asked Lily Potter quietly

"He left a message for the Rebels that they will understand" Draco Replied

"Can you tell us what it said?" Dumbledore Asked now completely collected

"I'm afraid I'm not supposed to. If Shadow wanted you to know he would have said"

Exactly thirteen minutes later every person that was standing when The Protectors arrived stood up again. They all walked out of the hall. The others were confused. 'What the hell was going on?'

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