Chapter 5

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Molly hurriedly goes to find the others and finds them talking to Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, just who she wanted too see.

"Hello Professors may we all speck in private this is very important?" She says when she gets to them

"Very well my dear" Says Dumbledore as he leads them to an empty classroom

"What is it you needed to say" He asked

"I have just spoken to the children and what I found out is scary, shocking, and a little sad" She says sadly

"You talked to them what did they say?" Asked Lily, everyone now paying close attention to Molly

"They said a lot and most of it Harry would most likely have liked to stay hidden. He has done a lot in four years. Way more then anyone would have thought or done" Says Molly

"What does that mean Molly? What has this boy been though?" Asked Professor McGonagall scared of the answer she would get

"Well were to start, He has been inches away from death at least 1,000 times and those are only the ones he has told the Protectors of, He has single handily saved all of us, and i mean everyone right down to every Auror, to many times for them to count, not to mention saving Chris all the time, and did I say that he makes sure every Protector and Rebel have ate, sleepet, and are safe before he eats, sleeps, or takes care of himself. He goes off to save us and tells none of the Protectors or Rebels were he is going and when he gets back and Ginny yells at him that he could have died, do you know what he tells them?" She Asked still sad over what she has heard

All the adults shook there heads.

"He says to them 'Better me then anyone else, if I get killed and everyone else lives it was a good day' He says that every time, every single time that is his answer. He would rather die and everyone live, then live and someone die" She Tells them

All the girls are crying and the guys are white in the faced,

"Why would he put himself in that spot at his age?" Says James

"He says he has to, he says if they don't do it right then who will. Also Ginny says it is because he has not known the love of a parent like the rest of them, that he does not know that people will fight for him to live." She says to him

"Oh and you guys may want to be ready for tonight. Don't underestimate them I have heard what they can do on a bad day and I'm pretty sure this is a good day. Also no I am not telling you, it's better if you don't know" She say as she walks away

"Wow" Says Sirius after a long period of no noise

"He shouldn't of had to go through all that" Says Lily

"Yes I did, I had a choice and I chose to fight. I could do year 7 magic without a wand sense i was 11 and I trained the biggest and best DADA group in the wizarding world, and did you know we got that title when i was 13. I fight to live another day and I hunt to make sure every Protector and Rebel has food. I do not sleep most nights because I am fighting while my team sleeps and rest. So you say I should not have to go through that, well you maybe right but to bad. I have and I still will. I will not stop fighting for anyone. I will not stop risking my life if it means someone else can live" Says Harry as he walks down the steps

All the adults stare at him in shock at what he has just said.

"Now, Dumbledore may I use your flow I have an old friend to call that Professors Black and Potter may know" He Says to Dumbledore with a smile at the shocked faces

"Yes Harry follow me" Dumbledore tells him, so he and Harry walk off without another word to anyone

(Harry is with Dumbledore in his office)

"Can you please leave, we will meet you in the great hall?" Harry ask

Dumbledore leaves with a nod of the head. When he leaves Harry throws flow powder in the fireplace and sticks his head in and says

"Hey you can come now" and backs off

The next second out steps none other the Remus Lupin.

"Hello Harry it has been awhile" Remas says with a grin

Harry just grins at him then gives him a big man hug

"I've missed you Remus. Ready to go and see my memories and some friends?" Harry Asked

"Guess so, also they do not know that i am here do they?" Remus Asked

"Nope, ready?" Harry asked again

Remus nods and they walk to the great hall were everyone is waiting, even the Protectors.When they enter James and Sirius look happy for a moment till every Protector runs up to him and Harry and they all hug.

"Remus it has been to long" Says Ginny happy to see him, all the Protectors nod

"Yes it has. Good to see you all back now, I knew you would be, can't hide forever" He says "Even though Harry would have tried" Looking at Harry

"Wait so you all will talk to moony and not your parents" Says Sirius from the front of the hall

"No, we won't talk to you, James, and Lily. We talk to my Mom" Says Ginny glaring at said people

"ENOUGH" Harry yells "Now lets get started" He says as he walks towards the front of the hall

The Protectors and Remus follows, when they get to the front of the hall Remas goes over to James, Lily, and Sirius.

"Why will he talk to you and not us?" Asked James confussed

"It's simple" He says

They all look at Remus to see the reason Harry won't talk to them.

"I have not hurt him" Remus says

"What do you mean?" Asked Sirius

"Wow, you guys really don't listen to him do you? From what i have been told he told you why. Fine I will tell you what I know, which is not much because i just talked to him for the first time in four years yesterday. James and Lily, you are his parents, or were because to him you are nothing more then two people, you both forgot about him and showed him no love. You cared more for Chris because you thought he was the boy-who-lived, when in turth he was not. Just wacthing Harry you would have seen just how powerful he is and always has been. Sirius, you are or again were his godfather, he trusted you to be there when James and Lily weren't. But no even you were with Chris all the time. You all cared more for Chris then Harry and he could tell. So, what I have been told is he told Nikky, Ginny, Luna, and Neville he was leaving and they went with him. You would have to ask them why." Remus tells them

"Alright Remus please stop, we should start now" Says Harry not looking at James, Lily, or Sirius

"Is everyone ready to see what really happened that night?" Harry ask everyone and they all nod

(They see what happened in the prologue)

"Wow" Says Professor McGonagall

"Okay who is ready to duel. My team and I would like to prove ourselves. You can chose who duels who as long as I get Professors Dumbledore, Potter, Potter-evens, and Black." Says Harry

"You want to duel all of us at once?" Asks Sirius

"Yeah, I would do more but there is not that much room. Also I have nothing to prove to the other professors" Says Harry calmly walking to the middle of the hall were an area has been set up

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