Chapter 3

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As Rogue stood there on the sidewalk Kitty came up to her.

" Hey, was that Wolverine? "

Troubled, Rogue said. " Yes."

" Holy shit! He's back? Like is he just in town for a visit or what? You guys looked pretty serious so I didn't want to interrupt."

" He's back I guess. Storm set him up with an apartment on campus."

" So, you're very bothered. I can see it. What's on your mind?"

" You know what Kitty? I was thinking? Maybe we could have a girl's night out? Have a couple drinks and maybe some dancing? I don't feel like talking about Logan right now. I need a distraction..."

" Okay, want me to call anyone? "

" Sure. How about Firestar and Cipher?"

" All right! Yes! We need a girl's night! And I am going to get it out of you eventually, so buck up butter cup! Later you're going to spill it!" Kitty whipped out her phone and immediately started calling the other girls. The invitation was received well. All the women agreed to meet up at Crazy 8's around 8 O'clock. Kitty and Rogue lived together so they did their best to share the bathroom.

" So what are you going to wear?" Kitty asked Rogue.

" I'm not sure. I think jeans. "

" You should wear that dark green top, that velvety one. It looks great on you." Kitty said.

" Yeah, maybe I will! I haven't gotten dressed up in awhile. Think I should wear those tall boots?"

" Definitely! " Kitty hollered from the bathroom.

" What are you wearing Kitty?"

" My black pants with that yellow sleeveless top. "

" Nice!"

The ladies were ready just in the nick of time. Kitty drove this time since Rogue had driven the last time. When they walked in they saw that they were the first to arrive. They went to the bar and grabbed drinks.

" So come on, what did Logan want with you? Did I see you on his bike with him?"

" Yes I was on it, but he just wanted to talk. He said he was a mess after what happened to Jean Grey and he needed to go find some answers about his past. "

"Okay so that doesn't seem so bad, what had you so upset?"

" well? I mean come on, I was a mess after he left, you saw what I was like. I was lost. And now here he is, just showing up after 15 years like nothing ever happened? He didn't say good bye when he left! He just up and left. "

" Oh my God! That's what this is about?"

" What? He made a promise to look after me, he didn't honor it. And it hurt Kitty." Rogue looked down into her drink, stirring it absently. " It just hurt. All right?"

" All right. I get it. I think you should give him a chance though. Just hear him out."

" Maybe. I'll think about it. Oh! Look! There's Cipher and Firestar! " Rogue was glad to have the other girls, she didn't want to talk about Logan anymore.

" Hey girls!" Cipher said.

The new arrivals bellied up to the bar. Rogue was working on her second drink all ready, the alcohol was going down smooth. Music started to pick up, there was a great little local rock band playing. After her fourth drink Rogue was feeling loose and less tense. The group of girls was busy dancing. Rogue never noticed Pietr and Kurt and Logan as they walked in. The men went up to the bar and Pietyr insisted in buying the first round. A couple drinks in the men noticed the girls dancing near the band.

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