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The twins were turning 13 and Rogue and Logan gave them the option of how they wanted to celebrate. The kids chose Asgard. Rogue contacted Thor, the amulet that Frigga had given her for protection was also a link to Asgard. She held the stone and called for Thor.
" Thor? Are you busy?" She concentrated hard and a moment later Heimdall appeared as a hologram to answer her.
" Thor is off battling the Rock Trolls at this moment Lady Rogue."
" Thank you Heimdall. Is the Lady Frigga at the castle?"
" She is."
" Thank you I will call on her."
" You look well lady Rogue, those children of yours are growing strong I see."
" They are!" Rogue grinned at the hologram of Heimdall.
" Be well Lady."
" You too Heimdall!" She concentrated hard again and called out," My lady Frigga? Are you there?"
A moment later Frigga appeared the same as Heimdall had.
" Rogue! Are you well?"
" Yes my lady. I am quite well. As I'm sure you know the twins have a birthday coming."
" I do! 13 is it not?"
" Yes! Logan and I have asked how they would like to celebrate, and they wish to come to Asgard. Would there be a time that is appropriate for our visit? Are things all right there? Heimdall said Thor is busy fighting Rock Trolls."
" Oh, all is well, there was a dispute over some lands between the rock trolls and mountain giants and unfortunately they all need a firm hand so to speak."
" I see. Well, when would be a good time my lady?"
" Give me one week, I will have a lovely celebration planned. Oh! I'm excited for a visit. It's been to long. "
" A week sounds great! Thank you so much! I look forward to seeing you. You've been one of the only motherly influences in my life since I left my birth parents."
" I always hoped for a daughter. I'm pleased to know you Rogue. Now, I must go and make preparations! Be well!"
" Thank you my Queen!"
The hologram faded and Rogue couldn't wait to tell the kids and Logan that they would indeed be. Going to Asgard for their birthdays.
Rogue had taken a day off work and was catching up on housework. But by the evening the rest of her family made it home. She was just about bursting to tell them the news of her talk with Frigga. Waiting until dessert to tell them the news.
" All right everyone, I have news. "
All eyes were on her.
" What's up mom?" Henry asked.
" I talked to Lady Frigga, and we are going to Asgard for your birthdays!"
" Really?!" The kids screamed.
" Yep! In a week. She is going to make you a party you'll never forget!"
" Awesome!!!" Henry said.
Logan was relieved that they didn't have to have a party at their house. No mess, no clean up. A party on Asgard meant amazing food an drink.
Later that night Rogue's pendant grew warm, a signal that some one from Asgard was trying to reach her. She held it and called out. " Hello?"
" Little warrior! "
" Thor! How are you?"
" I am well! "
" Did you get things settled between the Rock Trolls and Mountain Giants?"
Laughing," Oh yes! They are both stubborn, but they are no match for my level of stubborn. Mother tells me that we are to have a celebration for the children!"
" Yes! They are turning 13!"
" Excellent! I look forward to it! I also understand that they are getting their powers."
" They are! Henry so far has claws as Logan had, and Cat so far has super strength and Logan's temper. We do not know if they will have more coming or not."
" That it's well. "
" Cat knocked Logan down in class the day that hers started."
" Wait, knocked him on the ground? She's tiny like you!" Thor was shocked by the news.
" She did! Logan couldn't even be mad at her. He was more mad at the kid that was teasing her!"
" Oh! I can imagine! You don't mess with any of Logan's women!" Thor chuckled.
" Indeed."
" I must go for now. We will see you soon little warrior!"
" Bye Thor!"
Rogue was so excited for the twins birthday. Asgardians knew how to throw a party for sure!
Once she and Logan were in bed for the night she sighed happily.
" What's up?" Logan asked in the dark.
" Did you ever imagine that things would turn out this way with us?"
" Well, I had hoped so , long ago when I first came back to the school. Once I had my head on straight."
" Logan, I'm so happy with you. God, I'm glad I finally came to my senses."
Logan moved in and pinned his bride down playfully.
" I am too. I couldn't ask for a better wife or mother to my children." He went down and kissed her neck.
She giggled, he knew all her spots. After trying to hold out she gave in to him. Taking their time, and enjoying every second. And their life was full. Full of love, and adventure.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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