Chapter 1

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Not edited

The name "Dr. DB" has been taken from a fanfiction I once read but no longer exists. 

Clary Pov~ 3 years ago, 13 year old

"NO! PLEASE NO!" They dragged the kicking and screaming boy away, emotionlessly. 

I sighed and turned to stare at the wall. They came every week and dragged a screaming kid away from his or her cell. This was nothing new. I wished they would take me; taking me to wherever they take those kids would have to be better than this sitting and waiting routine.

"Subject X," I turned my head slightly to let whoever it was know that I had heard. "It is visiting hours. Please stand up." I did as he said. Like I said before, this was routine. They would come in every day, take me to an entire room filled with all of the remaining victims, let me socialize or play games for half an hour, then drag me back to my cell. Apparently, they did this with everybody who hadn't been taken to wherever they go.  

He wrapped handcuffs around my wrists, grabbed me by the shoulders, not gently by the way, and dragged me to the room.

I immediately began searching for my only friend here, Simon Lewis. I guess you could say we were best friends now. He had experienced the same thing as me. He came home one day and saw his entire family, mother, father, and sister, lying dead in the garage.

I saw him sitting in our usual corner. I looked to my 'escort' and held my hands up. As soon as he unlocked the handcuffs, I zoomed off to Simon. 

"I can't stand this." I stared at him in confusion. What was he talking about? 

"This," he elaborated, spreading his hands and gesturing around the room. "Waiting for the next victim, never knowing if it was going to be one of us."

I nodded in understanding. I couldn't stand this either. But what could we do? There were 20 armed guards standing at the only entrance and I had a whim that they were pretty good shooters.

He sighed and voiced exactly what I had been thinking.

I was desperate to escape these gloomy thoughts. This was the only time that I had in which I could sort of enjoy myself; I could think about this every night.

"Wanna play chess?" He questioned, pulling out a chess board. He'd gotten it from one of the stands which contained games.

I nodded, knowing that there was nothing else to do. Choosing colors, we started playing, me being the clear color and him being the foggy one.

~5 minutes later~

"You cheated," I declared. He snorted at my childishness.

"Yeah, I sooo cheated," he said in an extremely sarcastic voice. 

"Thank you for admitting it."

He raised an eyebrow at me as if saying, 'seriously?'

I ignored him, looking around. My eyes fell upon the scratches we had made on the wall, a way of keeping track of how long we had been here. It showed 7 months. I turned back to Simon and saw that he had been looking at the same thing. He turned and his chocolate brown eyes met my emerald green ones. I opened my mouth to say something but a voice behind me interrupted. 

"Time to go." Had it been half an hour already? I sighed, turned and hugged Simon, said goodnight, and lifted my hands, allowing the guy to handcuff them once again. He held me by the shoulders and led me out the door, to my cell. 


"Go to sleep," a voice outside my barred cell door commanded. I nodded and went to lie in my bed. The lights automatically shut off and I fell asleep in less than a minute. 

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