Chapter 8

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Not edited

Clary Pov

I sprinted 5 kilometers until I came to an abandoned car. I pulled the door open and jumped in. I saw that the keys were sitting in the ignition. I turned them. The car didn't start. I tried again and got the same result. I groaned and slammed my hands against the dashboard; just my luck. I was about to leave when an idea came to me. I opened up the compartment and saw what I was looking for. I smiled to myself as I pulled the map out. The map had a giant star on Northern Maine which led me to assume that that was where I was.

I grabbed the map and looked around the car for anything that may come in use. There was a raincoat in the back and found a bunch of bills. I counted them and nearly screamed when they added up to three thousand dollars. Looks like I got money on me. I was pretty sure I would be using the coat from what the sky was looking like. I put it on, tucked the money in, and got out.

I walked to the front of the car and popped the hood up. After fiddling around for a bit, I came to the conclusion that I couldn't do anything. I went back inside and studied the map. It looked as if there was an airport 2 kilometers away. I squinted. It was called Northern Maine Regional Airport. Looks as if I'm going North.

I got out of the car, tucked the map into the inside pocket of my coat with the cash, and began walking North. About 10 minutes into my journey, thunder clapped above me. Moments later, it seemed as if god decided to take a shower. I was drenched in seconds.

30 soaked minutes later, I finally reached a sign which said 'Northen Maine Regional Airport 1 kilometer away.' I groaned. Another kilometer? I kept walking but something was nagging at me. If this road led to the airport, why weren't there any other cars? I shook it off and continued my treacherous journey to the airport.

I could see the airport's building. I heard a plane and looked up to see one ascending and I smiled to myself. It took me five minutes to reach the airport's parking lot and that's when I saw all the cars and people. I followed the flow which led me to the airport's entrance. I walked in and to one of the giant televisions which showed the flight schedule. I saw that a flight to California was leaving in 5 hours and decided that I would board that one. And then arose that one problem which would stop the heroine from achieving her final goal. I didn't have a passport.

I threw a mini mental tantrum and let me tell you that it was weird. I walked over to a bench and slumped down. How was I supposed to board that flight now? I stared at a kid who was walking by me and noticed that he had his passport sticking carelessly in his back pocket.

An idea started to bloom in my head. First of all, I needed to find a girl who had red hair and resembled me. Right on cue, a red-head with hair darker than mine, walked by me; she too had her passport stuck in her back pocket. I watched as she walked up to a brunette and punched her in the stomach. The brunette doubled over in pain and the red-head smirked before swiping the girl's legs out from beneath her. Then she followed with a hard kick to the ribs. All through this, I had walked up 2 feet behind the red-head and was focusing on getting her passport out of her pocket. I finally got it out and made sure nobody had saw. I don't think anybody had.

The moment her passport was safely tucked into my pocket, I walked up to the red-head and tapped her on her shoulder. she turned around and I noticed that she was shorter than moi. "Do you think it's funny to beat random people up in the airport?" I held my hand up to stop her from saying anything. "Wait, scratch that. Do you think it's funny to beat random people anywhere? Well let me tell you this. It isn't. If you wanna fight somebody, go do it somewhere where both parties are willing, like right now." At this point, I point at myself. "You wanna?" She shook her head so fast that I thought it was gonna fall off. She stuttered an apology and ran away. I was so not feeling guilty about doing what I had just done.

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