Grade Twelve

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Renae and Marcus didn't talk. There was a gap between the two of them no one could explain.
Renae didn't bothered Marcus anymore with her stories and he didn't cared enough to ask her if she was doing okay.
Of course she wasn't okay. She tried killing herself again with all the pressure that kept coming unto her.
A poor seventeen year old who didn't had enough friends at school and a painful life at home.
Life for Renae wasn't hard. It was chaotic that dead itself wouldn't make it alright.
Her family was growing  apart each day, her elder brother had gone away for his college and she was the only one who knew what was going on in the family.
She never bothered to tell anyone about it. Well, she did tell a being or two but everyone only pretended like they care. Everyone had and has family problems that's the only damn thing I hate about families. Everyone's got it rough but for Renae there wasn't a silver lining to be seen even after the dark clouds vanished.
Marcus on the other hand had lots of friends (by lots I mean a lot). He was the new popular hunk at school and honestly, I don't know how but that fame changed his entire persona. He started dating a girl and told Renae about it after a couple of days but she wasn't the first person he told it about but that didn't upset Renae. In fact, Renae was happy for him so much that it somehow brightened her sad life.
As for her, she had no interest in love anymore. Boys would come and go but she didn't even bothered enough to notice them.
We have reached that part in the story where it's all reciprocal now huh?

Yep. Now Marcus was into girls and Renae watched him from off the stage where she once stood.
She wished the best for Marcus while remembering what he said to her years ago, "well, he never loved you anyway."
What happened to that guy? Did he finally learned that nobody knows how it goes about and what is true when you are dating someone? Or was it just a show to keep his popularity?

However, the first ever girl he dated really loved her. That Renae could say. She didn't know the girl personally but she knew enough to show that she cared for Marcus but, as most guys are douchebags, so was he.
He dumped her on Christmas. Seriously on Christmas? Boy, she ain't forgetting that one for sure. He broke up because, oh well he said it was too early and suddenly he wasn't ready but mainly because the relationship wasn't going anywhere.
Well, Marcus when a relationship isn't working out, you make it work out and sort things over instead of just giving up without a try, at least Renae knew that much and tried that much though her tries never worked out for her in the end.
When they broke up, Renae didn't cared. Good for her, no one should care.
It all went away and things were back to how it was before he dated her. They stopped talking again.

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