The Narrator

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Hello there? I am the narrator of this story. So now you know about how a certain unfairness created a fairness of it's own in the end right?
I'm glad you've read it too. Now you know.
I came to know of this story when I read three little diaries.
The diaries that belonged to Renae, Marcus and Huck.
Honestly, I got more damaged than the three of them reading it, I shouldn't be going around reading other people's diaries but had I not read it, you wouldn't have known the story either plus, I always wanted to know about Marcus and Renae.
I always saw pictures of them in the old album my father stored in the attic.
Oh by the day, My name is, Amanda. I'm sixteen years old and I'm Huck Miller's daughter.
Yeah, my dad sucked when he was a teenager. He didn't pretty much do his part of being a friend either, I'm more in love with Renae and Marcus too.
I wish they were still here, they'd be fun to be with.
Just as much as the story broke your heart, it broke mine too.
Especially after Marcus died. He died happily and contend but he felt a certain amount of sadness and guilt because he regretted not reading the book his best friend wrote for him.
Anyway this is about it. The story ends here. Thank you for spending your time reading this story where two of our best and most loved characters died. Though, their deaths brought about something beautiful for each of us.
I hope you remember our Renae and Marcus.

Suppose if you ever wondered what the title of the book Renae wrote for Marcus was, that made him cry so much with such emotions, it was,

"Ten years, I missed you."

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