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Every story starts with once upon a time right well then let's do this the right way...

       But let it be warned that this is no fairy tale, this is a horror story it's sad ,dark and upsetting so if you are expecting a happily ever after ending then stop right now because life isn't full of happily ever after's  it's full of short burst of happiness that run out as quickly as they started. So if you're brave enough please continue on with the story... 

    Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy, like there is in every story, and this boy was unlike any other boy the girl had ever seen in her 17 years of living. Being in the year 1662 made it a bit obvious that this girl wouldn't have seen much of anything any ways. It was considered an interesting day to see a cow die, honestly.

    But this boy was anything but normal he did things that could be considered witchcraft , but the girl being young and naive was okay with that. The boy would travel to the girl's cottage everyday just to see her and be with her. Everyday they would travel down to the creek and the boy would show the girl more of his witch powers. " Maketh me a flower,please," she would say "And what color shouldth I make for thee today?" he would reply, now the years are still young so colors where limited but that didn't stop her nor him. " Maketh me a flower unlike the yellow, orange, red, blue and purple ones. Maketh me a flower unseen by anyone a one of kind flower!"

   The boy reached into the creek and pulled out a small pebble then he covered it with both his hands and the flower began to form. The flower was black with intricate gold and red designs. "This flower will never fade... " he paused "just like my love for thee. " The girl took the flower and put it inside her apron pocket, promising never to be without it, to keep the flower and care for it as she did their love.  At the ripe age of 17 a girl her age should have been married off and barring children but she was too smitten with the boy to care. Her parents specially her father had told the girl she was going to be married off to someone , specifically to an older gentleman, but her heart had belonged to the boy.

    She had fought with her parents every day trying to convince them that this love she had was true and worth more to her than her life. "This isn't love child," her father yelled at her. "But Father 'tis,my heart yearning for his ,we are meant to be," she argued back but reasoning with her parents did nothing in the end the girl was band from seeing the boy ever again. Then again like every child in every story the child didn't listen. Every day she would sneak off to see her lover but as the days passed by the boy began to change more and more.

       One day the girl had seen the boy doing something, that should not be said in this story, yet, but the end result was that she was terrified of who he was, what he was and she did what any normal girl would do . . . she ran. She ran from him,from her parents, from her town, she ran and she refused to look back but she still had that damned flower in her apron, stupid girl.

    Little did she know though while she was running he was and would always be right behind chasing what was his, chasing her. Upset and heart broken that his love had ran from him the boy put a curse on the girl,forever binding.

   "The power and anger deep in my heart is from wince I speak from this moment on you will know of, my, death's sleep. Every life you live will be different from another your past you will remember and your heart will shutter you may find love and you may love another but in the end I, death will see one and not another this curse is binding for all of time until you see your heart beats for mine..."

The girl ran but she still heard his every word. Terrified and confused the boy was death he was darkness and the plague it was the only thought running through her mind.  She was confused  she was running, heartbroken and confused because she did not  know exactly what her old love had meant when he had said what he did. Nevertheless she had refused to stop running she would think on what he had said later it was and yet wasn't important at the current moment. But she should have been more worried about what the boy had said because she would not come to understand the true meaning behind those terrible words for a very ,very ,very long time...

I would say that that's the end of the story but I'd be lying to you all. For this is only the beginning of the life long story.

   You may ask, well were did this story come from? How do I know of this curse ? That's the funny thing about stories they stem somewhere from the truth. This is my story I am the cursed one I am running from him and he refuses to stop chasing me....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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