Chapter 6

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"If only you heard mine skip a beat." He said, looking at my face studying my reaction.

I just looked down, smiling to myself.

"You know what I don't get?" I said, looking up again. 

"What, dear?" 

"How you can meet someone out of nowhere, and they just slowly start meaning so much to you already." I turned my face to look at him , to already find him staring at my lips. 

"Trust me, I know exactly what you mean." He wasn't even looking at my eyes.

He started leaning towards me, inching closer than ever. I could feel my lips part slightly, only making the dream even closer to my reality. His arms pulled me into him, and he brought his forhead to mine. We stayed there, for what seemed like an eternity. I looked into his eyes again, which were focused in on my own.

"Willow, stay still."

 Blake Hunter was about to kiss me.

I stood up before anything could happen and I started walking away. All I knew was that I wasn't going to let myself get hurt. I just couldn't. It wasn't even an option, I'd rather not get my heart ripped into 2. So, its better to stop it, before it even starts.

I walked, I was getting far ahead of him. He grabbed my hand, and he stopped me in my tracks.

" What the hell was that?!" He nearly shouted, breaking our connection.

I didn't know how to get the strength to tell him.

" I don't know.... I just- I dont want to get hurt okay...I've just been hurt so much, and its so much easier to not even bother with anything...I'm sorry.." I said, avoiding contact, while chewing on my bottom lip. I couldn't let him know how broken I really am. I can't let him know that I could never be put back together. That I am always sad, and it is very rare for someone to make me feel as happy as I am with him. I can't lose him, but I can't get hurt either. Honestly, I hate how I am so indecisive.

" Is that the type of guy you think I am?! I would NEVER do that to you. You're far too beautiful ,nice, sweet, and amazing girl for any decent person to treat terribly. But, it really stings that you think that of me." He sneered at me, and turned around abruptly. Then storming off, with his hands balled up in fists. I can't lose him. He means far too much to me now for me to let him go. I wouldn't be able to live this down, if I lost him. I don't know what to do. You can't loose someone you've had that strong of a connection with. It doesn't just happen everyday.

I need to get myself together.

Then it hits me. I know what I need to do. I run after him, hes walking pretty fast. He stops right in front of me.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He yelled. He was totally pissed. I didn't care what was right anymore. I only wanted to live in the moment for once. I wanted him. 

I leaned in, not knowing what to do. I am just going to follow my instinct. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him into me, and crashed our bodies together. I planted my lips on his, I could tell he was surprised, but, he gave in. The excruciatingly sweet sensation of our lips moving as one, is something I truly longed for. It was something I craved- something I needed, you could say. His love was my drug, and he was my dealer. He makes me high with his touch- or at least thats how it feels.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist, oh man! I was getting used to this. Oh well. I pushed the negative thoughts away, and focused on this amazing guy I was kissing. He bit my bottom lip, and I could feel the shivers go all over my body, and raising the hair on the back of my neck. He then gently guided me to a nearby tree. I could feel my heart almost leap out of my chest, my chest against his, our heartbeats almost moving in sync. 

"Climb the tree with me." He said.

He showed me this beautiful view where you could see everything, anywhere around you. It was ravishing.

"Uh-uh sorry about the kiss.." I said, blushing.

"Don't even worry, you can do that anytime." He said, winking.

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