Chapter 22

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A//N majority of this chapter are flashbacks, so if you are wondering of the state of this story, and are confused at whats happening, that's why! This will be sad, and confusing if you haven't read the plot previously, but bear with me! Thank you guys for reading. xox


(**** Willows Flashback****)

The sun was blowing was hair past my shoulders. Chilling my cheeks with the breeze, while I closed my bright orbs to really feel the moment I was in. The meadow that encircling me was full of the blossoming tulips, and gorgeous orchids. The sky was an azure blue, with clouds dotted here and there, with the birds singing their melodies. I felt like I belonged here, like I was meant to live here for the rest of my life. My short legs slowly sauntered one infront of the other before reaching my family. They looked so happy, laughing beside each other on the plaid picnic blanket.

"Willow, come here darlin'." My father spoke in his heavy Irish accent.

"Okay daddy!" I cheered.

A small red-headed boy waddled over and held my small hand. He grinned, showing off his dimples, and missing teeth. His head only reached my waist, making him very small, because I lacked hieght at the time, myself. He shared the same green eyes my dad did, along with the same way they lit up when they smiled.

"Lil, up, up!!" He screeched, laughing in his little blossoming voice.

The boy jumped into my arms, while wrapping his arms around my slender neck. He kissed my cheek after giggling his petite heart out.


I felt as if I have known him all of my short life. I know him.

He is


I wake up with a severe headache, I guess I was....dreaming too much? I am in so much pain, that it takes me looking in the bathroom mirror to notice the tears rolling down my cheeks.

The nurse comes rushing down beside me, and asks whats wrong. I just shake my head, while asking for Advil and ice. She complies and lays me back down.

I still don't know how I could've forgotten what happened to him, why can't I figure this out?!

Maybe I'm not meant to figure it out....


The breeze swept my long hair in the wind, along with my cape of freedom. I was running with my little brother by my side. His dimples popping, and eyes glowing, along with my own. We were running towards the playground in our local park at the time.

He had the face of an angel, and the heart of everything good in this world.

My dad had started his drinking problem at the time, and he started hitting us. It didn't happen too often, but when it did, it was explosive. I was so glad my little angel couldn't understand what exactly was going on around him. It let him marinade in his innocence, which is the most I could give him.

My little angel was so uncorrupted, and untouched....except by my father. He was new and fresh in this world, and maybe he didn't exactly understand everything, but, he tried.

We were so excited to just go on the swings. We always felt like we were on top of the world! Like we could do anything that we wanted to, as long as we set our minds to it. I always felt like a bird, and the swings would one day take us to a better place, where we could live and be free. But, sadly thats not how it ends.

I would walk him to school everyday, and help him cross the street to get there. We walked by all the other happy, little kids, whose parents would kiss them goodbye each morning. A luxury we never had.

Our mom kept having nervous breakdowns because of my father, and she never seemed to be the same after it started happening. I never had a mother either really, nor did he.


I woke up. This time to silence, and no headache. I was so glad to be awake. I didn't want to live like that, constantly in a nightmare, to not know when I was going to awake. I am tortured by the past, and what I can never have back. Why is my brain doing this to me?

I look around the room and I see Tori asleep on Dereks shoulder. She looks incredibly at ease and peace.

Derek notices I'm awake and wakes Tori up. I have too many questions for her right now, that it's hard to think straight.

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