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Seulgi's POV

Weeksary? How corny. I am not used to those kind of things. You know, i only celebrates my birthday in a year. No other celebrations for me.

But for the secong time, i think i want to experience this again.

"Where do you want to go?" JB said while driving. "I really wanted to go to amusement park. But if you don't want, it's fine with me." I smiled then look outside again.

"Let's go there. Atleast I can repay you for this game." He smiled at me then drove all the way going to the amusement park.

As we arrived there. I felt somewhat pain in my chest. Remembering that i used to go here with my ex boyfriend.

"What's wrong? Didn't you like it?"

"No. I like it so much. Thanks for bringing me here."

"It's nothing."

"Can i hold your hands?" He asked without looking at me. "Of course you can! We are still into this game right?"

We walked with our hands interwined. This felt good for me. Atleast I know someone's here for me even if it will just last for 143 days more.

As soon as i get tired i ask him to go home. I don't want to waste his time on me. Maybe he needs to do something more important than me. Something important more than this weeksary.

We reached my house and as i go down on his car, he also go down.

"Go home now. It's late already. Bye!" I said while smiling and waving at him but he didn't even move for a bit.

"Why? Yah! It's getting late! Goodnight!" Then i remember already. He just wants me to kiss him in the forehead.

I walk towards him and place my lips on his forehead with my eyes closed. How can I imagine Sehun in this kind if situation.

After that i walked going inside my house when i hear him say..

"Goodnight! By the way, thanks for today!" Then he ride his car and leave already.

As i enter the door, mom greeted me.

"Hey sweetie, why didn't you invite JB to have dinner?" I'm tired and mom is still asking me this kind of questions. "It's getting late,mom. I want him to rest already."

"Oh, good thing you're taking care of him." Mom said while giggling. "Of course i'll take care of him. He's my boyfriend." Then i proceed upstairs going to my room.

I jumped on my bed and think of what happened today.

"Thanks also for today, JB."

I changed my clothes and laid on my bed and went to wonderland.

Next day....

Seulgi's POV

I opened my eyes and get ready for school. I wore my school uniform and eat my breakfast. My fake boyfriend is going to fetch me again.

I heard again his cars' honk then i went outside to ride it. Usually, i'd greet him a goodmorning, but sorry i am not in the mood.

"Goodmorning Seulgi." He greeted first. Okay so what can i do? Of course i need to greet him too. "Goodmorning too."

We reached the school with aagin, so many criticisms towards us. Even Jennie was there to criticize the two of us.

"Yah. I told you, don't mind them. Just keep walking." JB whispered as he dragged me again.

He brought me to a quiet place where it's only the two of us i think?

"Yah! Why do you keep on dragging me?! It hurts my fingers!" I complained while stomping my feet.


"Aish. It's fine." Why do everytime that i will get anry to him, i will just turn out to being an angel again?

Fucking irritating.


End of chapter 5

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