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Seulgi's PoV


That night that Taehyung told me that word, i have decided.

I'll confess my feelings already, no matter if he had a new girlfriend. I will not loose anything, he is the one who just played games with me.

Confess.. Really a simple word but is very hard to do. Ya all know how hard it is confess right? Even the author of this story cannot confess her feelings for that special someone.

I made up my mind.

I'll confess right now.

I went to my closet and pick up the clothes i wore on the day he gave me that stupid dare.

I forgot to tell you, only 3 days left before the game will end.

I wore those clothes and put some make up on my pale face. My eyes were all red and puffy. Good thing Taehyung came here last night. I am so thankful to him.

For the last time, i looked at myself in the mirror and put a timid smile on my face. I can't promise that i am not going to cry when i face him.

Just seeing his face can either make me smile or put a pain in my chest.

I rode my car and arrived at where JB is, Jackson, Jimin and Minhee told me that i need to be strong enough to face him. I am strong enough, i guess.

He was talking to the same girl i saw yesterday. They looked so happy.

"JB, can we talk?" I said while controling my voice from being shaky. "Umm, okay." I led the way and he was behind me. I went to the back lawn of our school, where no one is there.

"What do you want to talk about?" He said while raising one of hos eyebrows. "About that stupid game." I said.

"What about that?" Jb.

"I lost." I said while looking down. "Why?" He said with both his eyes unassured.

"I fell inlove with you. And you know what?? I must be stupid to fall inlove with a guy who loves another girl. Why did i even fell inlove with a playboy. Playboy like you who just plays game with girls like me... Your care, your gentleness made me believe that maybe, you have feelings for me. But i was wrong, all i am to you is a friend. I love you.. I am just here to confess.. But do you know how hurtful it is?! Do you know how much pain do i have in my heart right now?! You caused me this pain! I can't believe that for the second time, i am hurt again!! I hate you!!" I said while planting punches on his chest.

He held my hand and pulled me into a really tight hug.

"I'm sorry... Really sorry.." His husky voice whispered in my ears.

After that he left me...

What now???

I thought, something better will happen when i confess to him. It just hurt me a lot. I am crying again. I start to cry and i don't care if someone will think that i am crazy.

"Why? Why can't you just love me back? Am i not enough for you?" I mumbled to myself while breaking down into tears.

When i fall inlove, this is always the result. Maybe love was really not meant for me.

I cried and cried. Until i heard a familiar voice..

"Seulgi.." I saw Minhee with Jimin, Jackson and Taehyung. When i saw them my tears became to flood like it's a river. I can't control it. "What happened?" Jimin said while patting my back.

"I confessed." I smiled like an idiot while they all did shocked faces. "I did what you told me to do." I continued to smile while tears streaming down my face.

"Then, what happened?" Taehyung interrupted. He always looked so worried for me. "He just said sorry." I looked down and i think more tears are going to fall.

"Sorry for what?" Minhee said.

"Sorry that he can't love me. A sorry that means he just see me as a friend." I looked up to them and smiled once again..

"Are you okay?" Taehyung said while patting my back and holding my hand. "Yes." I squeezed his hand and he wipe my tears using his other hand.

"Let's just go home." I said while squeezing his hand tighter. We rode his car while Jackson, Minhee and Jimin went back to school. When i was riding Taehyung's car, i think i fell asleep and before i lost my conciousness, i heard Taehyung's voice whispering..

"It's getting near.. Don't be sad." But i can't understand the whole sentence because i drifted to sleep.

End of chapter 18.

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