Part Two

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Next day morning as usual Madhu woke up at seven, she knew Trishna will take another two hours to wake up so she decided not to wait for her and have coffee. Madhu walked into the kitchen to find Mrs. Kundra cooking breakfast, she cheerfully wishes her "Yo, mama." "Good morning, Madhu. Will you have coffee?" "Yup!" Mrs. Kundra starts pouring black coffee onto a cup and asks her "Do you like milk with it?" "No, I prefer it black." Madhu replies. "And sugar?" "Four teaspoons." Madhu says. "Four?" she asks her shocked, and Madhu smiles back at cheekily. Shaking her head she puts sugar in the coffee and mixes it. "Trishna wanted to go to Goa pretty badly." Madhu says suddenly. "I know, but in our family if one person is against something we won't do it no matter how much ever the other two wants to do it. So unless Mill's agrees there is nothing I can do." "Hmmm I see" Madhu says thinking that RK's head needed some serious banging. She takes her coffee mug and walks towards the TV room and starts watching Tom and Jerry. RK comes rubbing his eyes as he sleepily drags his feet calling out for his coffee still wearing his shorts of last night and t-shirt. "yo!" Madhu greets him RK turns to her still rubbing his eyes "You up?" RK asks her "No I'm Madhu." Madhu replies grinning, RK chuckles and goes to the kitchen to get his coffee and comes back in two minutes with his coffee mug and sits next to her. Madhu watches RK with his rumpled hair and sleepy look and wonder how a person managed to look cute and sexy at the same time. RK takes the remote and changes the channel. "I was watching that." Madhu says offended. "Cartoon?" RK asks shocked, "No NASA shooting off another rocket, of course I'm watching cartoon." "Watch news, it's informative." RK says. "News always has bad news and it is sad. And you should start a day with a smile and for that watch cartoon every morning." Madhu explains and taking back the remote puts back cartoon networks. "Tom and Jerry? That is also sad." RK declares. "Why is it sad?" Madhu asks. "Tom never gets to win. It has to be always Jerry who wins." RK says disgusted. "You like Tom more?" "Yeah. I feel bad for Tom, he never gets to win." RK says. "I can see that you can relate to Tom so much." Madhu teases. RK glares at her and then moans "how can you be so cheerful in the morning?" "Any part of the day I'm cheerful." Madhu says smiling. "Come, let's go sit outside." Madhu says getting up and pulling RK to his feet. Getting up, RK follows her out with no other option.

As they sat in the garden each lost in their thoughts. RK watched Madhu as she frown thinking of something, he had a sudden urge to kiss her frown away, but then he didn't want a bloody nose. As it was pretty early she hadn't had her shower yet and not put on any make up she looked like a heavenly beauty to RK, he wondered when he can show her and tell her what she meant to him and what he feels for her. "Why do you have a problem if Trishna goes to Goa?" Madhu suddenly asks her. RK frowns at the sudden question and then says "I don't like it." "Why?" Madhu asks. "Come on, Madhu' she wants to go with her friends, and you do know how wild these people go when there is no one to keep an eye on them. And I don't want Trishna going with a group like that and that too to Goa." RK explains. "Why dude?" Madhu asks irritated. "What why? I just explained." RK says getting irritated. "I'm not asking why you have issues with it; I'm asking why you have to make decisions for her." Madhu says. "She is my sister." RK says exasperated. "Your sister not your slave. She has a right to her life and right to make every decision of her life." "Stop talking like a feminist." RK says pissed, if anyone else was talking to him like that RK could have bashed them up, but this was Madhu and Madhu had every right on everything that was Rishabh Kundra. "You stop talking like a male chauvinistic pig." Madhu argues back. "You are calling me a chauvinist?" RK asks shocked. "Didn't you hear me call you the first time?" Madhu asks irritated "just because you are her brother, or you wear the pants in the house doesn't mean you have the right to decide how she should live her life." Madhu argues. "I'm not making any decisions for her; I let her make her decisions only when she takes a wrong decision do I stop her." RK argues. "Not a wrong decision RK, a decision which you think is wrong and there is a world of difference between those two. It is not necessary what you think is wrong will be wrong." "So, you are telling me that I should just let her make a wrong decision no matter what, even if I suspect that it will hurt her in the end?" RK asks shocked. "I know RK, Trishna has told me that how after your father passed away you have been both her father and brother to her, and I do know that you care for her a lot, but that doesn't mean you should stop her from doing things. Pain, happiness, tears and joy are a part of life and every human being has to go through these and only if you go through these you become a stronger person and only then you can say that you have truly lived your life. And what if she gets hurt? What if she makes a wrong decision? Everyone makes mistakes, its human nature. And from these mistakes you become wiser and mature, you learn to appreciate things, you learn life RK." Madhu explains. "A wise person learns from other's mistakes. And I'm making sure my sister doesn't make those mistakes." RK argues back. "So you make decisions for her?" Madhu asks. "It's my duty to make sure my sister is happy and safe." RK says. "No, RK. That is not your duty, your duty is, right or wrong help her stand by the decision she made, your duty is to be there when she realize she made a mistake and tell her that she will get through it. Your duty is to help her achieve what she has set out to. Your duty is to make sure she has lived her life to the fullest." Madhu says so passionately, RK knew that she truly believed what she has said but he was not sure. "You know" Madhu says "when I was small and in 3rd standard, we had to take up extra curriculum activity. Some of my friends took dance while rest took singing and I was not sure what to take as some of my friends kept telling me to take dance while the rest singing. In the end I went to my Dad and asked him what I should take. Do you know what he told me?" Madhu asks him, "What?" RK asks back. "He said 'I am not here to make decisions for you, I'm here so you can come and tell me that you decided to do something' and he asked me to decide by myself what I wanted to take not caring about what other's think. I went to sleep thinking what was it that I should take." "And what did you take?" RK asks curiously, thinking with the way she had danced at the club that she had definitely taken singing. "I took karate." Madhu says and RK chuckles how like Madhu. Madhu smiles seeing him chuckle. "But Madhu, taking up karate in school is not the same as going to Goa with your friends." RK says. "I was the only girl in my karate class and the boys used to bully me. I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to quit karate and told my Dad. But my Dad asked me whether I thought so much and made the first decision in life just to quit? He made me realize that only losers quit and I was not a loser." Madhu says, when RK continued to look at her confused she says "My Dad made sure that I stuck by my decision. I ended up continuing with my karate classes and before that term got over I had bashed up every boy that had bullied me, and I ended up first in my class." Madhu says proudly and RK smiles at her proudly. "All this is nice Madhu, but still it is not the same. I can't just let Trishna go like that, what if something goes wrong there? What if something happens to her?" RK asks her. "Trishna once said how you fell down the stairs and blacked out for while, is that true?" Madhu asks RK, and he nods hesitantly because he had a premonition that he was definitely not going to like what was going to follow next. "So you do realize that while climbing up or down the stairs that thing could go wrong, but even then neither have you stopped using the stairs nor you stopped your family from doing that. So why are you stopping Trishna now? And don't tell me it is not the same, you bang your head somewhere and you could be knocked out for life." Madhu says "Dude, good to be careful, but that doesn't mean that you stop living your life. Good or bad, let Trishna make decisions regarding her life because in the end not you but she is going to live her life. RK, don't care for Trishna so much that you start living her life." Madhu looks at RK and he looked thoughtful. "You like me." Madhu says and RK looks up at her in shock "How do you know?" how the hell did she find out? "We are friends, and I don't think you are the type to make people you despise your friend." Madhu says rolling her eyes. Relaxing RK nods. "Do you think I would have been like this, if my Dad had decided to make decisions for me? Some people like me, but most find me weird. I don't care, because whatever or however I'm, this is what I want to be, I made the decision to be like this and I'm happy about it. Not many would agree with me, hell my relatives always say that I should change the way I'm if I am to find a good guy who would accept me. But what would I do with a good guy who doesn't accept me for what I'm? Anyway what I'm trying to say is that people have different perceptive of what is right and wrong, good and bad. Some of my relatives think that I'm a witch but you don't because if you did you wouldn't have even talked to me or be my friend." "No, I don't think you are a witch although I do think that you are quite bewitching." RK says with a flirty smile. Madhu looks at RK shocked and then asks "Are you trying to flirt with me?" RK makes an irritated face and says "Was trying to you, thank you so much for ruining it." "But dude, why do you want to flirt with me?" Madhu asks laughing. "Beats me!" RK says pissed and starts to walk off. "Where are you going?" Madhu asks wondering about his sudden changing moods and thinking what she should do to browbeat him into letting Trishna do what she wants. "I'm going to give Trishna a set of rules that she better be following when she is in Goa." RK says. "What?" Madhu asks shocked. "Don't you dare come eating my brains off telling me that I can't give her any rules and regulations because I'm going to and you will just have to deal with it." RK says and walks off. "Kewl by me, and I'm not going with her as I'm not in her class, so don't blame me if she decides not to follow your rule book." Madhu says running behind RK towards the house.

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