
7K 405 38

10 years later

RK walked into his house to see his 6 year old son, sitting and sulking with his pet mouse. RK walks towards his son and sits next to him. "What did you do Ferocious Kundra?" RK asks gently rubbing his finger over the mouse's head. "He didn't do anything." his son pouts. "SASSY!" RK calls out to his daughter loudly. Few minutes later he sees his 6 year old daughter coming running towards him "Daddy! What's cooking?" she asks as she jumps on him. RK smiles hearing her, just like how Shaurya had taken after him exactly like that Sahasra has taken after her mother. She had already started sticking to only wearing black, she has picked up on Madhu's yo style and last few days she has been sneaking into their room and using Madhu's make up also. "What did you do to Shaurya?" RK asks her. "I didn't do anything." Sassy says immediately. "She got a pet." Shaurya complains and RK finally figures out what the problem was. Of late, Sassy has wanted a cat as her pet which Shaurya was completely against as he feared her cat would eat his mouse, and looks like finally Sassy found a cat she liked much to Shaurya's disappointment. "RK is nice." Sassy says. "RK?" RK asks shocked. "Yup! Mama said that RK is as ummm' koot and" "You mean cute?" RK asks her gently "Yes' cute and seky" "You mean sesky?" RK asks her. "Ahh sesky as you, so we decided to name him RK." Sassy explains while RK frowned, an animal named after him? But then he realized there was more important issues to address at first, like telling Madhu to watch what she is saying in front of their kids, and of course Shaurya's complaint. "Papa, tell her she can't keep RK here. Ferocious is so scared of him." Shaurya says. "Okay.. firstly let's just call him, Sassy's pet for a while and secondly Shaurya I told you before itself, when I let you get a pet of your choice how can I stop Sassy from getting a pet of her choice?" "But Ferocious'" "Sassy and you both will just have to make sure that your pet stays away from the other animal." RK declares. Before either could say anything further RK asks "Where is Mama?" "Yo, you are home! Why didn't you call me?" Madhu asks him, RK looks at her and then screams out loudly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Madhu was standing with a python loosely hung over her shoulders. At the same time Ferocious starts squeaking and jumps off from Shaurya's hand and runs off to find a place to hide while Shaurya ran behind him. "What is that doing in my house?" RK asks as he jumped up from the couch and ran to the other end of the room. "That is RK." Sassy says. "That is your pet? AND STOP CALLING IT RK!" "I knew you would bring the house down because of the name, Sassy we will call him Cuddly." Madhu says. "Papa, throw that python away, it is scaring Ferocious." Shaurya begged as he tried to catch his mouse. And that's when RK realized two things, first that his son was more worried for his pet's life than his father's and second that his son didn't seem to be scared of the python just scared for his pet. "Shaurya, I promised you that Cuddly won't come near Ferocious, so why are you still worried and I promise I'll always keep Cuddly in my room." "IN YOUR ROOM? THE ROOM WHICH YOU SHARE WITH ME?" RK asks freaked out. "Yeah' Sassy doesn't want to keep him in her room as Shaurya is scared that he might eat Ferocious, so she told me to keep it in our room till Ferocious and Cuddly becomes friends." Madhu explained. RK looks at the python and sees it yawning, but RK was sure he was showing him his teeth telling him that he was going to eat him up when he sleeps. But then if that python comes to his room, RK can very well say good bye to his sleep and love life. He couldn't make love to his wife with a python watching him. "That thing stays outside the house." RK declared. "Why?" Madhu asks shocked. "It's either outside the house or outside my compound, you choose." RK says. "Stop being a spot spoil Daddy." Sassy says frowning at him. "You mean spoil sport?" "Haan that only." Sassy says still frowning at her father. "No, Sassy. Pythons are dangerous and I won't allow that thing inside my house. If you want I'll built a huge cage for him outside and he stays there." "Okay." Sassy says upset. "And you won't go near that thing without someone with you all the time." RK says as he eyed up the python who he swore was staring at him hungrily. "But why?" "Because it is dangerous and I won't have you going near that thing alone, and this also includes Shaurya and Madhu, And Madhu, stop walking around with that thing hanging over you like that. Go lock him up somewhere." Making faces at him, Madhu walks off with the python with RK following her behind to make sure that thing doesn't eat up his wife.

That day itself, RK got a 24*7 caretaker for the python and no one was to go near the python without the caretaker. Very soon except for RK and Ferocious, rest of the Kundra clan was friends with Cuddly Kundra. Even Shaurya had tried helping Sassy in making their father friends with Cuddly a lot but just like Ferocious, RK didn't budge a bit. Madhu hadn't even bothered knowing too well that RK would never have anything to do with a snake or its species. RK was in his study watching his kids play when he felt someone hug him from behind. "Finally decided to forgive me for creating the fuss over cuddly?" he asked his wife. "I was not angry with you." Madhu says, "Then why were you acting all high and mighty with me?" RK asks her. "I was just preoccupied with something else." Madhu says. "What?" RK asks her, "Hmmm' RK are you angry with for getting Sassy cuddly?" Madhu asks. "I was, but then we did promise her that she could get her whatever pet she wanted right? So I don't blame you, and considering the way she has taken after you I should have known she would have asked for something like this." RK says. "Now it is my fault'well the way Shaurya has taken after you he should be scared of reptiles but he is not." "In that case, the way Sassy has taken after you she should be scared of cockroaches but she is not." RK teases her. "Yeah dude' she is so brave." Madhu says proudly. "Cockroaches fly in all direction and Sassy is not scared of it one bit. Wicked' my daughter rocks!" RK smiles hearing that then hugging her he asks her "So what had you preoccupied all this while?" RK asks her. Madhu smiles at him excitedly "We are pregnant." RK looks at her shocked then starts smiling and hugs her tightly "Wicked." "That's what you say?" Madhu asks him frowning. "I guess I've been living with you for too long that I'm not getting anything else to say." Madhu hits him playfully. "We will first tell the kids then we will call Mama, and Dad and Mom." Madhu tells him. RK's mother had gone to stay with Trishna for a while, who had settled in Hyderabad with her husband and daughter while Madhu's parents were still in Delhi. "Yeah okay, and Sultan and Dipali when they come over for dinner tomorrow we will tell them." RK says. After waiting for two years for either to make a move, their family had lost patience and got them married off, now they have cute 5 year old and 3 years old daughters but RK has a strong doubt that neither have confessed their love to each other and is still waiting for the other to say the three words first, confession or no confession they both knew what they are to each other. "Okay, let's go tell them." Madhu says. Smiling RK starts walking with her then suddenly he says as if as a prayer "Let's hope this one doesn't ask for a Lion dude."

*~*~* End *~*~*

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- Lazy

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