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Since Damon was a young boy he always wanted to be like his father who was a Company Master for the Dark Angels he was also the right hand man to Supreme Grand Master Azrael the Dark Angels Chapter Master.

When Damon reached 30 he signed up to become a Dark Angel a Space Marine Chapter that was high rated in the Emperor's eyes, All Damon wanted to do was reach Company Master so as he filled out the Form he stated where he would like to be put then handed the form in and waited for the acceptance letter.

Damon was a 30 year old with olive skin, short dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Three days later Damon went down stairs to see if there was any mail for him that's when he spotted a letter on the side that was already opened with a note from his father

*Note start*

Congratulations son you have made it to be a Company Master

Love from dad

*Note end*

As he left the house to go to the barracks to start his training he spotted a few other new recruits but his main focus wasn't getting to know his fellow recruits it was to get to know all the old Dark Angels to name a few like:

Ezekiel a Grand Master of the Librarians, Asmodai an interrogator Chaplin and then the chapter master Supreme Grand Mater Azrael and a few others.

As it came to lunch time he sat with his section to his surprise they where joined by Ezekiel which gave Damon chance to get to know him to find out everything he needed to know so he could prepare himself for when he does go in to battle.

At night time Damon did all his research so when it comes to a theory test he could show he would be a good Company Master hoping the teacher would put a good word in to the Chapter Master he also found out everything that Ezekiel didn't know about the Dark Angels.

Damon had flew through the lost he passed is physical with flying colors, he passed his mile and a half run with flying colors unbeknown to him that Azrael was watching and was impressed with his hard work and dedication to the Space Marine Chapter of the Dark Angels.

The next morning Supreme Grand Master Azrael called Damon in to his office for a chat and to show his appreation to Damon for his hard work and dedication to the Dark Angels.

As Damon walked out of Azrael's office he spotted a young woman with brown hair and green eyes he couldn't see what her skin color was as she was in the distance but he did see she had a white dress on so he turned to Asmodai and said

"Who is that woman?"

Asmodai replied

"She's the queen the one person we have to protect."

That night all Damon could think about was the queen he had to see her again he had to get to know her a little bit.


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