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Mariah's life as a child wasn't easy as her mother was an assassin for the Blood Angels and her father was a Librarian for the Blood Angels so she was always being left with Inquisitor Remius Stele, She did have a best friend called Calistarius all she knew was that he was killed when the Ecclesorium building at Hades Hive collapsed, The next bit of bad news was that her mother was killed by a Chaos army which only left her with her father who always told her stories of a great leader called Lord Commander Dante.

A few years later when Mariah was a teen ager Inquisitor stele broke the news that her farther had been killed by Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane in a war between Space Wolves and Blood Angels, The night she found out about her fathers death to her that was it she needed to do something so she went out and signed up to become a Librarian for the Blood Angels hoping it would help her find out the truth about what really happened to her best friend.

Mariah was a 300 year old girl with olive skin, shoulder length blond hair and green eyes.

Three weeks later she had a text stating that she had made it in to training and that she had to report to the barracks to start her training on a quick call as she was only allowed to be in the chosen sector cause her father had told Lord Commander Dante about her, the following morning she went to Inquisitor Stele and told him that she was leaving in reply he kicked her out of the house as she wouldn't be needing it any more from then she knew that something wasn't right with him.

While she was in the barracks she was in the library reading about the legends that where connected to the Blood Angels and the reason why they where called the Angels of Death, when she looked up from her book she spotted Rafen a Sergeant in one of the armies of the Blood Angels hoping that he didn't spot her she looked back at her book but when she looked up again he was gone.

Mariah had aced all her training she had passed her physical with flying colors and she had passed her mile and a half run with flying colors as well.

The next night she was sleeping and she had a dream that her best friend Calistarius was still alive and it mad her jump as she woke up so she searched through her things and found an old photo of her and him stood together and she whispered to it

"I will find out the truth I will find out what happened to you and I miss you I always will"

As she put the photo under her pillow and went back to sleep the dream kept recurring it was like he was trying to tell her something but she couldn't work out what he was trying to tell her as the dream had woke her up again she laid there thinking till morning come in.

While she was eating her breakfast she got a tap on the shoulder which made her jump as she looked round she seen it was Lord Commander Dante he was the guy from her dads stories

"Come with me Mariah I want to introduce you to our Chief Librarian"

He said as he held his hand out to her she took it but Dante noticed that something was bothering her

"What's wrong Mariah is something bothering you?"

He asked


She replied as she looked at Dante, a few minutes later they had arrived to where the Chief Librarian was sat

"Mariah meet Mephiston our Chief Librarian"

Dante said that when Mariah looked at him and nodded but realized that he had a slight image of her best friend.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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