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Hey guys! welcome to another story! This will be an amedot fanfic! this story is dedicated to: @Peridotisboss04 , thanks for the suggestion! now, I'm not going to have them as gems, but as humans (otherwise the whole thing isn't going to work). but I'm going to have amethyst's birthday on febuary (febuary-amethyst birthstone) and peridot's on august (august-peridot birthstone...I think...). 

I'm so sorry. I was going to update sooner if it weren't for SOMEONE ,not naming any names...(glares at mom) pushed the "update and shut down" button. And spent the next two days watching my computer update. And not only that, but the internet was cut for some apperent reason! And also!- wait nevermind you don't want to know. so with that said, we are behind schedule. so I'll have the ch. by tomarrow or the day after, but for now... BYE! :)

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