why me?...

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Walking around your new neighborhood when your supposed to be unpacking is something most people wouldn't do. But when it comes to me, I have to know my surroundings weather I'm in or out. Its always been like this,well not always. Ever since middle school, I had a bully and its like no matter where I went, she was always there. It never stopped. Until I moved. And now that I finally got away from her,I hope to keep it that way. I walked around some more before deciding to head back. The autmn breeze was both relaxing and Chilly (it autocorrected to hillary for some reason XD) against my skin. Its hard to imagine that both my skin and hair are very pale. My hair is supposed to be a pale blond but it looks like a pale green with a simple white streak. And my skin is a pale skintone that I wish I can make darker. Finally after nearly getting lost, I found my new house. It was a blue house,and the only one on the street. At least that will make it easier to find. I went inside and started unpacking. My parents are always on business trips and never home. I have already told them about the move and gave them the address. I was about to start unpacking some kitchen supplies, when I heard a knock at the door. I opebed the door to see the face of someone I thought I got rid of.

Welcome to the neighborhood. My name is ameth-dork?!

We looked at each other in complete shock for a few minutes until she broke the silence.

What are you doing here dork?

She looked at me with an annoyed look.

What am I doing here? What are you doing here?

We growled at each other, giving each other death stares.

I moved here!

We both said in unison. We growled again sendin each other the same look.

Whatever. Just stay away from me dork. See ya later, or never

With that she walked away. I slammed the door and walked back to the piles of boxes that I've been working on earlier. For some reason, something inside of me hurt when she said those words. I decided to ignore it and went back to work.


I layed on my bed awake at night. I clutched ny heart, the part of me that hurt when I said those words to the dork. But they were true, right? I sighed and got up. I looled at my reflection on the mirror, I have never liked my white hair and had it dyed it purple. But their was one streak of hair that would not dye itself purple no matter what. Its honestly impossible but thats just how it is. The streak was a very pale green, very similar to the dork's hair. Which I call a coincidence.  I brushed my hair and very carefully combed my pale green streak. It hurt if I combed it normally. I changed into some pj's and jumped into bed. However, I wasn't able to sleep again. My heart still ached. I decided to distract myself by watching tv. It worked. And I was fianlly able to get some sleep.

I woke up with a start and rubbed my eyes. I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfest. I was abput to get some cereal when I yelped as my finger gelt like I cut myself. I looked at my finger, nothing. Thats odd. But that didn't mean it hurt like the devil. I bandaged it even though there was nothing on my finger.


I held onto my cut finger. I need to be more careful with sharp things. I was finally able to find some bandages and covered it up. I sighed and got dressed. I was able to unpack alot of things yesterday. All I needed was to unpack some bathroom supplies.
I walked outside and the autumn breeze hit me. Beautiful.  I walked around the neighborhood lost in thought. When what to my wondering eyes, I saw amethyst walking around with some boy next to her. My heart ached again. And I turned around and ran back home. By the time I shut the door, their were tears in my eyes. I didn't know why, but it hurt. I cried until my eyes were completly dry. I wiped my eyes and fell asleep.


I came home after my walk with my boyfriend. Just as I walked through the door, something in me completly broke. I clutched my heart desperately.

She's hurt.

A voice in my head whispered. She? Who was she? And why is she hurt? But of course I couldn't think straight because of the pain. I slowly made my way to my room still clutching my heart. After a while of agonizing pain, it stopped. Who is she? Why was she hurt? Why does it affect me? What it something I did?

Hey guys! Heres the first ch.! I really hope you guys liked it. And I'll see ya'll later! Bye!!!!

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