Their third Monday Afternoon

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Elsa, Belle, Emma and Regina and walked into their history classroom to see Mr Gold sitting behind his desk. He smiled at Belle who blushed. Elsa and Belle took their seats next to each other and Regina in front with Emma.

The class started and Gold stood up to write on the board. "Does anyone know when Walt Disney died?" He said. No one said anything. Instead Emma and Regina were laughing about a dog video they had watched. "Miss Swan can you please repeat the question?" Emma looked at Regina. " something about Walt Disney?" She questioned. "Was that a question or an answer?" Emma stuttered.

"Miss Mills please help your friend out." He said turning his back to walk back to the board. He began to write something on the board.

'Your assignment; I want you to create a presentation on a Disney film.' "Copy this down please. Then I have a hat here full of the movies you can pick from." Belle raised her hand, smiling. "Can we go in partners?" Gold nodded his head once. "I was just about the say that. But it must be boy/girl." A chorus of groans erupted from the class but Gold stood by his decision. Until he saw Belle's face. "On second thoughts just go with whoever. As long as you get the task done." The class began to choose partners. Emma went with Regina and Belle with Elsa.

After class, "Miss Swan and Miss Mills I would like to speak to the both of you." Emma and Regina walked up to his desk. "You girls disappointed me today." The two girls lowered their heads. "But since you are Belle's friends I am going to let you off with a warning... This time," he said with a hard look on his face. The two nodded and he motioned for them to leave.

They got out the classroom and everyone else was waiting for them. Killian was leaning against the lockers and stop up straight and walked over to Emma. "What happened to you?" "We were laughing about that video that you showed me!" She laughed. Regina kissed Robin on the cheek and the girls walked to where the boys had just been in. English with Mr Heller.

"You're late." Mr Heller said as the four of them walked in. "Sorry Mr Heller," Emma said,taking her seat. "Today we will be reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Miss Swan, Miss Mills, Miss French please hand out the books. They are over there. Miss Frost would you please hand out the paper?"

They agreed and went to hand everything out. Elsa put a piece of paper on a desk and then looked at the owner of the desk. He was really cute he had white-ish hair and striking blue eyes. *cough* "Miss Frost please hurry up with the paper." Me Heller said from behind her. She smiled nervously and quickly walked away.

When she was sat down Emma elbowed her. "Ow what was that for!?" She whispered. "Your falling for him like snow!" Emma giggled. "I am not... I just find him mildly attractive. Besides I don't even know his name." They were interrupted by the teacher. "Who wants to read the first page for us?" The boy from before raised his hand. "Yes on you go Jack." Jack began to read. Emma leaned over the Elsa again. "His name is Jack." She giggled. Elsa hit her arm and they continued listening to Jack speak.

After class, the boys met them outside the school. Emma ran up to Killian and jumped into his arms. "Elsa got a crush!" She sang. Robin and Killian looked at Elsa when she walked over. "No I got a date..." She smiled. They all looked at her. "Jack have me his number." They all hugged and distributed into their cars. Killian drove Emma and Belle home. Zelena drove Regina home and Elsa took her sister home when she got out of school.

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