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Emma sat in the front of Killian's car as they were driving. Only she couldn't see, she had a blind fold over her eyes. It was a surprise he had told her.

He glanced over at her and smirked. Little did she know he was taking her to the same place that her parents spent their anniversary last year.

He knew she would complain about the price of the place but he had a very special evening planned.

First they would eat and then they would go to the hill over looking the town. There he had Robin and Hayden setting up a picnic blanket and since Hayden was over 18, he bought wine and put the bottle up there too.

Killian stopped the car and took the blind fold off her eyes. She gasped when she saw the building. Killian got out the car and opened the door for her. She stepped out and took his hand. They walked I got the restaurant and were shown to their table. There was a single red rose in the middle of the table and a white cloth dawning the small table for two. Killian pulled out her seat before sitting down in his. The waiter brought over two glasses of water and set them down on the table. Emma smiled in thanks as he walked away, only to return with two menus and set them in front of Emma and Killian.

"So, Emma, happy anniversary." Killian smiled, pulling a small wrapped package from his pocket and handing it to her. She took it and pulled on the ribbon. Inside was a lovely necklace with a swan head and hook creating a heart

She put it on and couldn't stop staring at it the whole way through dinner. Later they go back into Killian's car and he drove them to the hill where everything was set out. They sat and watched the sun set on the hill. Emma sighed in content as she watched the orange orb slip behind the horizon next to Stprybrooke docks.

"I love you." Emma whispered, turning her head to Killian who smiled in return.

"I love you too."

And they lived happily ever after.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages. It's just as I explained in the previous chapter. I have no inspiration left for this book but I know I hate it when people loose interest but don't finish the book. So I decided to give them a little ending. If sometime in the future I come across this book again and decide I want to put in another chapter I might. But I don't want to give you guys false hope that this book if far from over. So I'm sorry but goodbye for now.

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