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The day was flying by with colors. So many people attempted to befriend me and it was sweet but I wasn't here to make friends. It was time for Biology and I tried to remember all the things mom had taught me about life, which was the vampire point of view on life. Which is basically death. The teacher is named Mr. Banner.

I walked into the classroom as the smell of another vampire pushed itself through my shield. It hit me so hard I stopped on the spot trying to recompose myself. I looked up and attempted to find the red eyes of the vampire but only found gold ones. A vegetarian vampire. Mom had talked about that kind but I didn't actually think it existed.  I ignored him and headed to Mr. Banner's desk.

"Hello, I'm Isabella Volturi, a new student," I said with a smile. The vampire stiffened at my last name, any vampire would at the name. "But please just call me Bella."

He looked up from his computer for a split second and looked back down "well Bella, I'm Mr. Banner," Obviously "and I welcome you to my classroom. Firstly you will be sitting next to Mr. Edward, secondly there are no sunglasses allowed on in my class room." That's when I started to panic. He was the first teacher who said anything about it.

"Um, Mr. Banner, please except-"

"No exceptions." I slowly let out a deep breath as I let the glasses fall from my face. He looked up and his eyes widened as he took in the look of my red eye.

"Understood." I hissed as I smashed the sunglasses in my hand. By the end of the day my eyes would be the talk of the school, there was no point in wearing them anymore. I turned on my heels and headed toward the vamp- Edward. I took the seat next  to him and let the broken pieces fall to the ground. I felt Edward's eyes on me but I ignored him.

Bella VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now