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It's best to start with how these kids got where they are. Juvie. Ha. Sounds like a cute word, until you know what it means. A place where kids who are dubbed 'criminals' are locked up for a while so they can think about what they did. Basically, a more serious version of time out.

In one specific detention center, somewhere in New Jersey, there were about 400 teen boys. Some were loners, some were part of organized gangs, some just stuck close to a group of friends and called it a gang. Like what Gerard Way, and his little brother, Mikey, did with Frank Iero and Ray Toro. They all somewhat fell under the "loner" category so they all just decided to hang out. Simple as that.

Are you wondering why these boys are in juvie? Well, ya see, Mikey didn't really mean to burn down that grocery store. He just needed to let off some steam. Fires did that for him. And Gerard just happened to be there, which made him an accomplice. That boy would defend his little brother until the end. They aren't quite considered badasses around the center. But Frank Iero on the other hand...well lets just say, as soon as he turns 18, he won't be getting out of that place. He'll be moving to the prison down the road. For about 10-25 years. Apparently that's what you get for attempted mass murder. But that's a story for a later date. Now let's move on to Ray Toro. Caught stealing $2,836.29 worth of jewelry from a mall. It was for a good cause, though. His best friend needed to pay off some drug dealers and Ray felt like he had to help, even though he had never done drugs with said friend. He was just a really nice dude.

These four boys all have something in common. They all want to get out of here. Even more so than their fellow inmates. But they don't yearn to return home. No, these boys want adventure. Life on the railways. Something you'd see in an 80's coming of age movie. So that's where we'll start this tale. In 3...2...1

(cue music)

[ugh Im sorry if this ends up being shît. If anybody actually reads it...
I hope y'all enjoyed the intro. The rest of the chapters will be a lot longer.]

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