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Hi It's Whitners here, umm my friend said I should use my account for something more then just reading story's and I should create! (;

This will be some poems I wrote at like 12 in the morning on a weekend when I was feeling down and kinda lost in memories. (DISCLAIMER: all poems are mine, I haven't taken anyone's and these are written by me)

Okay, so here we go

Run for your life( I have the worst titles lol)

Run, run and don't look back.

Step after step you will make it.

Stay in the marathon that is life,

and don't stop, don't fall down

don't take those mysterious short cuts.

Because tired, battered and bruised.

You will make it to the finish line

and you will look back and smile, smile at what you have done

and how you didn't stop running because life got hard.

You pushed through and now you get to the golden finish line where wings and a halo await you for all that you have done.

( these poems are not edited by another person, so feel free to tell me what Im doing wrong)

First one, out there.

Ill post another one tomorrow. (:

No Judgement Hereजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें