Love? Wrong

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I love you, I think I actually love you with all of my heart, I love you.

How many times must I say this before you get it and respond with endearment?

It was rash and bold for me to come over to share my thought and feelings with you wasn't it?

I see the faces around us wondering what we are talking about.

You say nothing and stand still,

There is a pause I am waiting, a metal book could drop and I wouldn't hear it.


I begin to smile and laugh like I just heard the funniest thing in the world.

He finally laughs also

I exclaim, "you must have thought I wasn't kidding, did you see your face?!"

And together we laugh, his a throaty laugh,

one that draws attention up to his face, his face, there are no words to describe it, I couldn't even if I tried, All I see is a ray of sunshine.

As I walk back to where I was standing before, watching from afar.

I allow my heart to finally break on the inside, my sunshine didn't want me, perhaps the sun shone a bit to bright for little old me.

So yup, here's a poem so sorry I missed yesterday, so it's extra long.

Thanks so much

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