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3 million years ago, there were people who ruled earth. They were called, Staries. Staries still live to this day. Just, not on earth. Why, you may ask. Well, Human didn't like the Staries. So they fought till they left. The Staries got angry at the Human. So they started making, portals. Many many years later. They finished all the portals. Now, they are going to attack earth, with their deadly portals.
Siencetist named all the portals. They also studied when they would come. And Obies, was on its way, to New Jersey.
The ground shook, and shook. And everything was crumbling into little pieces. Homes collapsed on family's. Buildings were being sunk into the ground. And in a tall plane field, was Obies. The first portal to come. "It's Obies!!!" A grown man yelled pointing at the deadly portal. But thank heavens, their were people who risked their life's for everyone else. They are called, Portal Keepers. They travel in the portals to kill the heart and save the day. 6 Portal Keepers ran straight into Obies. It was dark with white shiny stars flying across the portal sky. The portal was slowly starting to close. All 6 Portal Keepers went running to the heart. The heart was a bright shiny blue. The Portal keepers then put a Portal Teaser in the heart. That made the portal start closing faster. All 6 Portal Keepers ran to the exit. 2 of the men ran out. The portal then closed. The 4 other men did not make it in time. Obies, then died. Everyone was now okay. 35 thousand people died because of Obies. Without the Portal Keepers, everyone, would be dead.

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