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2 years later, siencetist continued to study the portals. They then found out, Ramoui, was on its way to Florida. "Mommy! Look! It's a portal!" A little girl pointing at the portal falling from the sky. The ground felt like it was on fire. People climbed to high areas to stay safe. But, towers, selfphone towers and ect, weir burning to the ground.  The portal keepers ran in the hot portal. The portal was surrounded by blue fire. One touch, and you would die. The portal keepers carefully ran to the center. On there way, one man stepped  in the fire and immediately died. The other portal keepers stared. They then ran to the heart. And put the portal teaser in the heart. Everyone made it out safely. Not many people weir killed by Ramoui. But, people will never forgot what happened, that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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