Chapter 7: a weird day

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It's been a week since the little episode at Seth's house. School starts today and even though I really hate school because of Aidan I'm actually happy to go back. I'm mostly happy, since I'll get to see Seth. Ever since dad said I couldn't see him he's kept me inside the house with him. When your band from watching TV and texting your friends, well only friend, being stuck in your room and reading gets boring after a while. I wasn't even allowed out to go grocery shopping with my dad, he was afraid I'd see Seth.

The alarm clock starts beeping. I roll out of bed and go to get dressed as quickly as I can so I don't have to see my dad. I keep the lights off and put my shoes on. I tiptoe downstairs as quietly as I possibly can. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and peak around the corner to see if my dads downstairs, he is, reading te newspaper as usual. I run to the front door, open it quickly and leave before my dad can see me, I really don't wanna look at him. You have no idea how horrible it is to try to avoid your own father, someone who once loved you and now rapes you. I get to the bus stop early today, neither Aidan or Seth are here. I sink to my knees and sit on the cold ground. I pull my knees up to my chin and lay my head on my knees just wanting to go back to bed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath relaxing, something I haven't done in awhile. After a few minutes I hear a voice. "You know you can get really sick from sitting out in the cold to long. You also know no one wants you to stay home, especially not me." 

I can here the smile in his voice. I open my eyes, look up a small smile on my face and jump to my feet. "Seth I missed you!"

I hug him for a couple minutes,I let go and step back. He looks me up and down his smile slowly dropping but not completely disappearing from his face.  "Are you OK?" 

I nod and look at the ground, avoiding his eyes, not wanting to look at him when I lie. "Jeydon look at me and tell me its OK." 

I look up at him with tears in my eyes. I wish I could disappear, I hate the look of concern in his eyes every time he asks."Seth I can't, I can't look anyone in the eyes and tell them I'm OK." 

He sighs and shakes his head. He takes my hand and rubs the back of it.  "Jeydon, you know you can tell me anything. I just want to know what he did over the vacation?" 

"Nothing... He said I couldn't see you anymore." I start crying fully now. "Seth he's trying to ruin my life your my only friend and I have to pretend I don't talk to you."  

"Jeydon it's OK as long as he doesn't see us talking your fine. Is that all he did? What about the day he came and got you from my house?" 

I look up at him. "That's true but that means no more us walking home together. He took me home said I couldn't see you anymore and told me to go to my room, that's it"  

He laughs. "Its OK I'll stay behind you and I'll give you a weak smile so he doesn't see it OK? Oh OK, just checking I just didn't want him to hurt you."  

I smile and hug him. "What would I do without you?" 

He pretends to think for a minute. "I don't know you'd probably be lost and confused."  

I laugh. "Yeah, I know don't rub it in."

The bus pulls up. Seth and I get on. As the bus pulls away I remember Aidan didn't get on.  I give Seth a side ways look. He smiles. "Hes sick, ate to much last night at my moms News Years Day party." 

Oh so that's what all the cars and music was about last night. I smile. "So your saying just me and you until Aidan comes back in a couple days?"  

He nods. "Yup. Me, you and no twin brothers or bullies for a while."

He smiles and laughs a little, I smile at the thought of it. We get to school and have all our classes like usual, but no Aidan means no annoying twin or friends to beat me and Seth up. I get on the bus sighing happily. Seth drops into the seat after me a smile on his face. "How was Aidan free day?"

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