Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Waking up this time feels a lot better, and I actually feel energetic and ready to move around. I open my eyes to bright unfamiliar surroundings, feeling refreshed as if I had been sleeping for the past few days –which I had no doubts that I was.

The bed I was in was spread with a silk black sheet; the four-poster bed taking up majority of the space of the small room. It was a simple yet so cozy room, with simple designs snaking along the walls. The drawers sat quietly at the corner of the room, as if simply waiting to be opened and visited. There was no mirror, no dresser table –which was my tell-tale sign that this room didn’t belong to a woman, or anyone relatively female. A few drawers sat together, next to a bookshelf abandoned at the other corner of the room. Books, thin and thick were arranged neatly upon those shelves, but none of them lost their beauty even if the amount of notes, marks and dog-ears I saw on them. Some were bursting with extra notes squished between the pages, while others were filled with so many dog-ears that I wondered if it was intentional or not.

Why did the books take my attention to most –I don’t know it either. I must have been a bookworm of some sort in my past self.

There was a door facing the foot of the bed, and another off to the right, a few steps away from the abused-looking bookshelf. I had an idea that one led to the bathroom, and another led outside into the rest of the house, but wasn’t sure which led to which.

I was still trying to make a guess, arguing with my own mental voice, at which door lead to which place when he walked in.

The first impression I had on him was that he was most definitely the dark, handsome and mysterious man that his voice suited. He wore black all over –till I was almost confirmed on that fact that he was pulling off the brooding, withdrawn and scared-to-love man. It might be intentional; it might be not. I wasn’t sure what else of his character I could draw from his appearance, but I most definitely gobbled up the sight of him with my eyes.

He had the clearest pair of blue eyes that I had ever seen. Okay, maybe I have seen clearer blue eyes somewhere, but even if I did, I don’t remember them. His blue eyes, however, was so clear that I thought I was looking into a deep blue ocean, and I saw exactly the depth and end of it. His nose was pronounced in an inconspicuous way, and I wasn’t even sure what to think of it. It grabbed attention, but yet it was so subtle in showing off its beauty. His cheekbones… Oh god, his cheekbones were so defined they looked like they’d been chipped in. His lips were full, and…. Oh wow, his body was so totally turning me on.

That body of his was to die for. I was pretty sure you could make a washing board out of that rock hard abs of his, and I was saying that watching him clothed. I could only image what holy sight it would be if he were to get undressed… I tried my best to not let my eyes roam south, but they caught their target quickly, and I tried not to let my blush show. He was real well-defined, both upstairs and downstairs.

I bit my bottom lip and averted eyes away from him quickly, trying to tame my blush. God-damned my raging hormones!

“You’re awake.” He stated obviously, but I forgave him for his surprise instead of giving him a duh-look. I like to think that I acted pretty calm as he brought that god-like body walking towards me, but I knew I lost eye contact from him furiously as I tried my best not to chew him up and spit him out again with my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” I replied, surprised that my voice came out right but still unfamiliar. Had I been knocked up really so badly that everything about myself was so foreign? Come to think of it… what did I look like? God, am I some old lady? Or maybe I am just a little girl?

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