Balance is Key

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 Baby sat around on her stage, kicking her little legs back and forth as she looked down at the ground, waiting for her queue to leave her lonely little stage room.

 "Baby! It's practice time!" she heard a certain woman calling to her.

 The short woman looked up, her cheeks slightly rosy as she stood up, walking over and opening the little door that lead into the room where the night shift guy would go to hide. She got down and crawled into the small shock room, deciding to stay down and just crawl across the dirty floor before weaseling her way into the next vent, the rusty metallic smell making her feel like her nose was about to fall right off.

 Soon, the scent of sweet perfume filled her nostrils, the scent quickly overriding the awful stench of the vent, making her go faster so she could get out of the tiny, cramped vent she had to crawl through.

 Once she got to the other side, she was greeted by a welcoming hand, outstretched and waiting for her to put her own hand in it's palm.

 "There you are! Are you ready to go?" the owner of the hand, a tall woman with a bun, asked her.

 Baby's cheeks grew rosy once more as she nodded, placing her small hand in the woman's large one before being lead into her gallery. She was lead into the center of the room so there was plenty of room around before the two of them stopped and stood still.

 "B-Ballora, I'm not so sure about this..." Baby suddenly squeaked, her head tilting down.

 The woman frowned and patted the smaller woman's head as she said, "Come on Baby, don't lose confidence now, I know you can do it."

 She grabbed hold of the shorter woman's hand and raised her arm up high, lightly tapping her foot with her own as a queue to raise it, so with a small sniffle, Baby did.

 Ballora began to spin Baby around, keeping her straight up so she wouldn't fall over, noticing her trip a time or two.

 "Close your eyes, breathe, forget your weight, keep yourself straight like an arrow," Ballora encouraged, spinning her a little faster.

 Baby sighed as she shut her eyes, taking deep breaths as she forgot everything around her except for Ballora, the thought of the person she felt so deeply for motivating her to keep going. She continued to spin and spin, not even noticing that Ballora had let go of her hand, the tall lady watching proudly as Baby spun around everywhere gracefully. The only thing that brought her back to reality was when she smacked straight into Ballora, making her eyes go wide as she clumsily fell backwards.

 Right as she thought she would hit the floor, she felt a hand on her back keeping her from falling on the hard tile.

 Ballora leaned down, looking at her in concern as she asked, "Oh my goodness, are you alright?"

 Baby was glad the room was so dark, otherwise Ballora would definitely be able to notice the bright red blush on her little face.

 Ballora's concerned look didn't fade for a second, growing more and more worried the longer Baby simply stared up at her. She touched the smaller woman's face, feeling just how warm it was.

 "Oh no, are you alright? Your face feels all flushed, do you need to sit down?"

 Baby looked around nervously, squeaking out a small "Y-yeah," before being picked up and brought over to the nicely sized stage. Ballora held Baby in her lap, wrapping her arms around her as she pulled her in close, rubbing her back gently. The short woman was still a blushing mess, whining slightly as she leaned into Ballora's grasp, resting her head on her abdomen.

 She breathed quickly for a few seconds, but as Ballora comforted her, she began to relax and finally just let herself be held. She could feel her little chest gears roaring faster, getting to the point where they were audible outside her own body.

 Ballora looked down at her worriedly and said, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem really out of shape, just a tiny bit of spinning has you looking like you're about to pass out."

 Baby jumped a little and crossed her arms angrily as she said, "I-I'm in perfect working order, thank you!"

 Ballora sighed and brought Baby over close and lightly kissed her forehead.

 "Sweetie, I'm just looking out for you, I didn't mean to offend you."

 Baby didn't hear anything but the 'sweetie', now feeling a bit of steam coming out of her pigtails from how warm she was getting. Her gears were going wild, and she didn't know how to stop it. Little stifled noises left her mouth as she went into overdrive.

 Ballora gave Baby a confused look, before suddenly, everything clicked in her head.

 "Is it me who's causing these things to happen to you?"

 Baby couldn't say a word, she felt humiliated, she never wanted Ballora to know how much she loved her. She looked up to her, she found her to be a great person, someone with great talent and amazing advice when she needed help. She never felt she could quite compare to that, she was basically the opposite. She did have talent for singing, but she was incredibly clumsy and had basically the worst advice ever when anyone asked her for some. She didn't feel she was good enough to even be on the same stage as the woman she felt to be so amazing and beautiful.

 She quickly jumped out of her grasp and ran back to her room, waiting until she was all the way there to stuff her face into her hands and cry, though her little pre-cry hiccups could be heard echoing through the vents.

 Ballora sat in confusion for a second, wondering what she had done, but as she thought and thought, she began thinking of all kinds of small but blatant hints that she had brushed off, like how Baby got so blushy around her, how when she hugged her, she could tell the short woman didn't want to let go, how she always looked like she could cry when one or both of them had to go back to their stages and prepare for the day's guests to arrive.

 The tall woman stood up and made her way to Baby's room, quickly feeling guilt build up in her as she heard the shorter woman's crying getting louder as she got closer to where she resided. Finally, she arrived into the room and stood up as quietly as she could.

 She tip toed over and placed her hand on Baby's shoulder, making her jump in surprise, but she was too ashamed to turn around.

 "Shhh, it's gonna be alright, okay?" Ballora said gently as she lightly patted her shoulder.

 Baby sniffled and didn't say a word, still staring down at the checkered tile.

 "Here, I know what can help you."

 Baby whined a little and replied, "W-what..?"

 Ballora turned Baby around and leaned down, lightly kissing her lips as she closed her eyes. Baby's little eyes widened, her whole face heating up again. Eventually, she relaxed a little and slowly shut her eyes, placing her hand on Ballora's cheek. The tall woman moved back and smiled at Baby, seeing little tears sparkling in her dazzling green eyes.

 Ballora chuckled and said, "Did that help?"

 Baby sniffled and nodded, the sides of her mouth curving into a gentle smile.

 "Alright, good♥"

 Ballora smiled back and picked Baby up, bringing her back to her stage, preparing to have a long chat with her .

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