...Battle Me, Beloved...

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A soft yet loud pitter of his shoes clacked against the walls of the alleyway. His enemy followed after, catching up in under a few seconds. He hopped from his grip, mask slipping as the click of the first latch interrupted his rhythm. 

He quickly jumped a stair well, climbing on the rails faster than the enemy could run up the stairs. He reached the roof and glanced around quickly, spotting the DedSec building and taking off running.

"Fuck!" Wrench's synchronized voice rang out in the empty air as he hopped from roof to roof, shoes harshly clacking in a hurried rush to get to his hideout before his enemy.

As quick as a spider, he launched himself across the roof only to feel himself getting pulled back by his foot. "Shit!"

"Sir!" His Marcus waved his arm in the air, catching the enemies' attention before getting lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July with bullets.

He watches in regret and pain as his head lie injured against the edge of the roof. He slammed his foot into the enemies face and swung his leg over his own head, hands gripping the roof as he slammed the man off his foot and down fifty feet in the alleyway.

He scampered up, a sprained ankle keeping him back from launching himself to the roof of  DedSec where his beloved Marcus stood. "M! Behind you!"

Marcus was shoved to the ground, pounded by the guns and rifles of the enemy. "MARCUS!" Wrench's voice screamed out as he watched Marcus battle against eight or ten of them.

He spotted Wrench Jr pop up from no where and he began to wince as his little robot buddy was getting shot at as well as shooting his opponents. Marcus was pinned to the ground and he could do nothing but watch as a gun was aimed at his head.

However, Wrench was more stubborn and ignorant than any other human being. He stepped back before running, his feet clacking against the concrete roofing and shillings hanging off the side as he launched himself onto the low-altitude roof below.

As he landed, his injured foot collided with the ground harshly while his other foot collided with the face of the being with a gun. Marcus flailed around, escaping his captors and kicking their asses with ease. "You couldn't have done that sooner, M?!"

"I don't wanna die just yet, sir."

"Good, don't plan on it then. Fuck." Wrench mumbled, examining the broken latch on his mask with his fingers.

"Let me see." Marcus said, reaching for the mask of black and spikes.

Wrench tensed lightly, his head slightly cowered down as Marcus patiently awaited approval. He sighed and nodded, pulling his chin up so Marcus could reach the latches. Marcus was hesitant, noting that Wrench had his eyes closed.

Suddenly, Wrench opened his eyes and grabbed Marcus' hand, directing his fingers underneath the other three latches. Marcus sighed with a soft smile as he clicked open the latches, pulling off the mask.

"Mm." Wrench's synchronized voice died out as the mask was removed completely, he stilled in silence.

Marcus smiled softly at Wrench who took a deep breath and grinned back. His brown hair was dark like chocolate and his eyes were similar(I srsly feel like this is true). Wrench chuckled, leaning his forehead against Marcus', leaning towards him in exhaustion and light pain.

"We should go tend to our wounds."

A soft agreement was heard from Wrench as his beloved friend wrapped an arm under his to help him walk along the roof.

"Next time, Sir. Don't leave without me."

"I'll gladly drink to that."

"No. No you won't."






.DISCONTINUED. {Watch Dogs 2} [Wrencus] (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now