Chicken ;) {Pt. One} [Smut]

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Here, take some smut I tried to write while being depressed{Which is probably why it's so shit... ;-;}

His hand had trailed further than he had hoped. In a sober environment, he would have playfully reached a finger into Wrench's hem of his pants to tease him. This was a different scenario though.

He was drunk of course, who wouldn't be at a party? Especially his own birthday party of being 21. Yeah, he and Wrench were finally the same age. Whoo! Or at least he thought there was a much needed celebration of an over dose in alcohol and booze.

Boy, wasn't Marcus wrong? ;)

Marcus had drank five shots of whiskey with half a bottle of Jack Daniels swirled in the mix. Wrench, however, was far from drunk with only a shot of vodka in his system and three quarters of beer left to drink from his bottle.

They didn't mean anything through losing bets with their friends, of course. But Wrench hadn't expected Josh to go so far with this whole birthday boy shit. It started with a simple kiss, a dare to peck Marcus' cheek and tell him he was amazing.

The dare escalated from there on. Wrench was daringly stupid enough to continuously pick dare whenever Josh asked him truth or dare. It was a silly child's game but they were drunk children so what did it matter? Everything. Absolutely everything mattered in this child's game.

Wrench was far from drunk while his partner was past drunk and just close enough to being fully unconscious. The man was stumbling! Marcus never stumbled, which is practically how Josh knew this child's game could bring Wrench to his knees with his ego.

However, when Wrench had seen Josh dare Marcus to play chicken with him, he was sure he was about to die inside. He knew Josh was trying to get them in bed together, the fucker was clearly smirking over his bottle of booze. 

Horatio watched with Sitara on the side lines, they told Josh and Marcus little truths to do and gave Wrench very explicit dares, suggestions for Josh to say more so. 

Why was Wrench not surprised when Josh mentioned the game of chicken to the two straight males? WHY WAS HE NOT SURPRISED?!

"Marcus, truth or dare?"

Marcus seemed in thought before glancing at his little circle of half-drunk children and sober fucks. "Dare."

Wrench face-palmed at this, wishing his friend were as sober as him. Usually, Wrench would have been ALL for this but a drunk Marcus would lead to a one night stand and ultimately awkward partnership with Marcus. FUCK. THAT.

"I dare you to play chicken with Wrench."

"What is chicken?" Marcus questioned, crossing his arms in question as if interrogating Josh with his posture. 

"It's a game for straight men like yourselves." Josh winked at Wrench before continuing as Marcus looked at him with curiosity, "You practically touch each other sexually until the other says chicken and cowards out like a loser."

Josh had too many drinks for his logical side's liking but he wanted to party hard tonight, the only night he could hook up the two with their crushes. Each other. Hah.

"Alright, that sounds f-fun." Marcus hiccuped lightly as he took a small sip from his bottle.

Wrench glared at Josh through his mask emoticons across the table, his arms crossed in gentle protest as Marcus turned to look at him. The tension was thick and awkward for a second before Wrench finally broke a smile and turned towards his partner, his playful side suddenly leaning.

"How's it goin', good lookin'." Wrench chuckled as his mask flipped through several emoticons.

"Fine, yourself?"

Josh scoffed across the table, practically watching the two with silent judgement on their every shuffle and every word. Sitara was smirking and quietly stole glances at the two whenever she could from her bottle.

Wrench leaned forward lightly to wrap an arm around his neck in comfortable motions as Marcus wrapped his arm around his waist with a somewhat childish grin. "Let's continue the game, shall we Josh?"

Josh gulped nervously as a heated glare from Wrench suddenly frightened him for his future. "S--Sure."

"Truth or Dare Sitara?"

"Truth." Came her immediate response.

The game continued for minutes and little touches to the inner thigh or the hem of his pants kept distracting Wrench. Each time he was asked, a new burning sensation accompanied his skin.

Soon, he found himself bored of the game and fled the table, Marcus following him immediately with silence. As they stepped outside into the cool air and from the eyesight of their friends, Marcus then made a move and Wrench was stunned by this.

The drunk male pushed him against the wall and pulled Wrench's mask from his face slowly to test his consent. Wrench made no movements to stop him, simply watching him from beneath his security. He could be without his mask in front of Marcus. Only Marcus.

Marcus trailed his hands from Wrench's chin and dropped the mask to the ground. His hands traveled to Wrench's neck, slithered behind it and back to the front of his collarbone before trailing to his v-line from his chest and to his hips where Marcus gripped gently before pulling the shocked, smaller male flush against him.

Marcus smoothly pressed his lips against the other male's with a smile. His lips tasted of beer, whiskey, and french vanilla coffee. Wrench practically raced to inhale each taste with his tongue, darting the appendage over the top and bottom lip as Marcus slowly touched his tongue with his own.

The two pressed tight against one another, Wrench's arms crossed around Marcus' neck and their tongues wrapping around one another as if today were their last day together. Marcus pushed Wrench further against the wall, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.

As the two pulled away with soft smiles, they opened their eyes back up and stared at one another with such passion and love that one would drown in the emotions alone. They shared these emotions, shared each one with a single sensation.

Marcus caused a new sensation to occur in Wrench's groin. His fingers tugged at the hem of Wrench's worn down jeans, tempting the other to pull them down and go further in this adventure.

"M-Marcus?" Wrench's voice was quiet in the cool night air.

Marcus smiled, leaning his forehead against the other, "Yeah?"

"My house.."

Marcus smiled, his hands grasping Wrench's thighs and pulling him up onto his hips. Wrench squeaked with alarm, wrapping them tight around  Marcus' waist as to not fall. He stared at Marcus with awe and surprise as the other carried him down the street.

Marcus connected their lips swiftly, his tongue ravishing the other's mouth and leaving Wrench breathless and struggling to keep up with his advances. The two grew closer to Wrench's apartment, Marcus struggling to reach the door without ravishing Wrench's soft neck and collarbone with bright pink hickeys.

.DISCONTINUED. {Watch Dogs 2} [Wrencus] (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now