Chapter 3

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"Is everything alright Jane?" Aro questions the antsy blond. "I can show you better than I can tell you Master." She walks over and holds out her hand.

Aro grabs it and his eyes cloud over. He must be going through her thoughts.

And I have to admit I was practically undressing her with my eyes.

Don't blame me though! Lust for one's soul mate comes with the succubus gig.

Aro seems to snap back to reality and his eyes drift over to me with a wide smile.

"Seems as though dear Jane here has found her mate in Dahlia." He happily giggles.

There is silence for a moment and I began to get a bit afraid they are going to attempt at destroying me for this.

Then there is loud cheers everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean everywhere.

If I'm not mistaken I even think I heard cheering down in the dungeons.

"Jane you and your mate may use today to form a bond. You are dismissed."

Jane nods before rushing over and grabing my hand. She practically drags me to her room.

What is a surprise is that right when we get in the door she has me pinned against the wall.

Her chest is pressed against me and her face is really close to mine.

"I know we just met and all but the pull is so strong." She licks her lips in that sexy turn on way.

I could feel my legs become jelly and if I didn't know she was my mate before I definitely know now.

Nobody ever had that type of control over me like she has now.

Her fingers slither down my sides causing me to shiver. Her hands plant themselves on my waist as she slams her lips into mine.

Our lips mold together as if they were puzzle pieces becoming one.

Her hands are rubbing circles into my hips as the kiss is becoming more and more passionate.

She detaches herself from my lips. She kisses the corner of my mouth, and proceeds to move down.

She practically attacks my neck. Most likely leaving a mark or two, probably more.

And I'm pretty sure you can hear my moans throughout the whole castle.

Her super strength rips away her dress to reveal a lacy underwear and bra.

Then I feel the draft as she rips away my dress. We inch our way closer to the bed, our bodies glued together.

She proceeds to kiss down my stomach and well you probably know what happens next. ;3


I'm semi awake and I feel a body close to mine. I pull myself closer knowing it is Jane. She chuckles at my actions and wraps her arms around my abdomen.

"Good morning, my love." She smiles, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Morning love." I return the smile, burying my face into her bare chest.

She may be freezing cold but it's a nice cold. And it helps me know she is here.

"I'm apologize, my love, but I have to get up. Volturi duty." She says, hesitantly releasing me from the embrace.

I sit up with her and walk with her over to the closet. We are both butt naked but we don't care.

I wrap arms around her waist and and she leans into me.

She is looking through her closet for 'Something professional' or at least that's what she says.

"Everything in there is black. What's the difference?" I giggle putting my head on her shoulder.

She just laughs and playfully rolls her eyes.

She finally decided on a tight black dress and Heidi had dropped off a long sleeve crop top with a tight skirt.

Once we are dressed we started heading towards the throne room.

As we are walking she slithered an arm around my waist when some men where trying to flirt with me.

"Get ready for the teasing from the guys." She grins, and I smile. We finally reached the throne room and it seems we interrupted something.

Another blond vampire seemed to be showing Aro something, as she was holding his hand.

When he snapped out of it he was furious.

"The Cullen coven has created an immortal child." He practically howls.

Me an Jane scurry over to the wall where we are supposed to be.

Two men that go by the names of Felix and Demetri are to our left.

Jane's brother, Alec, was on the other side of me.

Than Nikolas was on the the other side of Alec on the right.

"Wow Dahlia I've never seen you get whipped this fast." Nikolas smirks.

Jane lets out a chuckle and I blush.

The girl sped away leaving everything to silence.

"Prepare to leave in three days." Aro says leaning back into his chair.

Everybody nods and continues their daily routine.

We were about to go back to Jane's room to cuddle, but we were stopped by Demetri and Felix.

"I suggest you both don't go into town today. I bet everyone will know you two, seeing as how loud you were screaming each other's names." Demetri smirks.

Jane laughs and from my neck up I probably look like a tomato.

"You all were quite loud." Aro laughs.

Marcus seems to have a small grin which is a very rare occurrence.

Caius lets out a smirk, and everyone else just childishly giggles.

"Let's leave these children to their daily activities. Don't forget to color me a nice picture little Demetri." I laugh, and stand on my toes to kiss his forehead like a mother to her son.

"Let's go hun." I say to Jane.

She nods, clearly amused by the expression on Demetri's face. Which if you're wondering if is a mix of embarrassed and amused.

She speeds us to her room and lays me on the bed. She gets behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.

I try to stay awake, I really do, but the urge to sleep comes out of nowhere and I'm struggling to keep my eyes opened.

"Sleep my love. I will be here when you wake up." She smiles, pulling me closer.

I nod weakly and fall into a deep sleep.


(1040 words)

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