Donut Holes and Assholes

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The cast sat down around a table as they listened to the Russo brothers give directions. "Welcome to the table reading for our new Avenger film, Infinity War!" Joe said with a encouraging smile as he clapped his hands with excitement.

A small cheer from the cast filled the room, soon to be interrupted by a whine from Jeremy as he got hit by a flying pice of paper, thrown by ScarJo of course.

Joe looked at the two onscreen and offscreen friends and raised his eyebrows making them both giggle but nonetheless stop.

Now, it was Anthony's turn to talk and with a grin he looked to Aaron, "I'm sure Aaron, and all of you for that matter, will be happy to know that Quicksilver will be back in this movie!"

Robert cheered and somewhat congratulated Aaron for getting his character brought back to life that only god knows how. ( and the directors ) Soon the rest of the team joined in with the congratulations.

Becky looked over her script and grinned at Lizzie and Tony. "Looks like Wanda and Kevin get a bit romantic," she said laughing and wiggling her eyebrows, "looks like most people get some action in this movie," Becky carried on, winking at the first person she saw, which happened to be Aaron.

Jessica spoke up now and grabbed a donut out of Tom's hand, taking a big bite out of it before giving Tom a innocent grin causing the young boy to playfully glare at her. "I hate you so much," he huffed "love you too babe," Jess said while blowing a fake kiss to him.

Keaton rolled her eyes at the pair's actions. "Just go out already! All this flirting is making me sick," She groaned. Chris, Mark and Lizzie nodding their heads in agreement. "Nahh," Tom said, laughing it off as Joe carried on with the meeting.

"So, filming starts in 1 week," Joe said "you know the drill. Be at set at 4am so everyone can get ready and to sort out additional things."

A loud thud came from the left of the room, making everyone look to the source of the noise. It was Maddie, who was late as always. She had dropped a box of donuts on the snack table and started to head over to where the rest of the cast was seated.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Sebastian joked and smirked at Maddie, who was walking to the seat next to him a bit embarrassed.

"So what's your excuse this time?" Becky teased Maddie due to the fact she was never early or on time. "Bad traffic?" She said with a hint of question in her voice. "Sureeee," everyone said sarcastically. Maddie rolled her eyes lightheartedly at her friend's response to her tardiness.

"Back to the topic at hand," Joe said as he looked around at the beaming cast who were fooling around a bit too much. "You all read the script, right?"

"Yeah, the movie sounds so lit," Chris joked as he shot a quick glance at Keaton, just to see her reaction at his choice of words.

"Shut the hell up Evans," Keaton muttered, albeit with a slight smile etched on her face which she failed to hide. She picked up her script and flipped through, trying to ignore the giddiness she got from Chris.

"Language!" Robert called to Keaton from across the table, to which she only replied with her middle finger.

Joe rolled his eyes at the cast, they where literally the equivalent of small, 5 year old children. He snapped his fingers in an attempt to gather everyone's attention. "Listen up, guys," he said with a hint of irritation in his voice. From the sound of his voice all heads in the room - including Anthony's - turned to face him. "Great," he said relieved, "now let's recap the premise of the movie so everyone knows the gist of it."

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