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Bruce walked back inside from cutting wood in the really morning light, to find that Kat was awake. The girl sat at the small kitchen table, her hair still messy from sleep.
" Morning, dad!" She greeted tiredly, rubbing her eyes.
Bruce chuckled as he put down the pike of wood he carried and moved to sit with her.
" Good morning Kat, you sleep well?" Bruce asked, knowing full well she hadn't.
Kat's tired gaze hardened and she glared down at the table.
" Just fine," She grunted, bitterness in her tone.
Bruce shrugged slightly, not sure if he should push it. By the stone hard look on her face she obviously didn't want him to push it.
" Fair enough. Okay so I'm going to cook us some toast and then we have to hit the road," Bruce stated matter of factly.
Kat gazed at him in surprise, where were they going?
" Hit the road?" She inquired, an eyebrow raised.
" Yeah. Look Kat, I've got some bad peoples after me and so we will be doing a lot of moving around. After breakfast can you get your duffel bag in the car for me?" Bruce informed, feeling awkward with his explanation.
He couldn't exactly say that he was a raging green monster being hunted by the military and by a group of superheroes who wanted him on their team.
He looked and saw that Kat was just staring blankly at the table, a slight bit of fear showed in her brown gaze and she held a frown on her face.
" I understand. I'll make sure we have medical supplies and plenty of water too," Kat murmured quietly after the silence stretched on.
" You sound like you know what to do," Bruce noted as he put a plate of toast in front of her.
She finally looked up at him, her gaze hard yet again.
" They didn't tell you anything about me, did they?" Kat growled, anger making her hair spike slightly.
" Mum abandoned me so the assassin chasing us would leave her alone! I've been on the run from him with mum all our lives!" Kat snarled, pure fury emanating from her.
Bruce felt like he'd been hit by a train. Assassin? On the run? Abandoned?
" Then you'll know that we have to get moving soon. But first, you mind telling me how you got those bruises on your neck and face?" Bruce pressed, concern evident in his tone.
Kat shook her head and glared at the table again, shoulders stiff and her gaze sharp.
" Someone attempted to strangle you didn't they? The assassin?" Bruce pressed further.
Her silence was the only answer he needed. He'd been right, she had been attacked!
" I'm not denying it," Kat growled simply, glaring at the table as if she could burn a hole in it.
Bruce had to force himself not to turn in to the Hulk at the thought of her being strangled by an assassin.

It was midday when they realised they were being followed. Kat heard it first, she'd opened the window to get a better view of a sign. She heard the sound if a whirring propeller and looked out of the corner of her eye to see a black helicopter above them.
" Hey Bruce, does a helicopter following us worry you?" Kat asked conversationally.
Bruce froze at the steering wheel.
" Yes, what kind?" Bruce inquired.
" Blackhawk, fitted with underbelly machine guns, possible missile capability. The owner sure doesn't mess around," Kat described, a small frown on her face.

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