Chapter 7

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"Okay, you two have to be good. No threatening other monsters, no picking monsters up and throwing them. People are nicer here than where we were, and even if they weren't I'd protect you two. Okay?" Sans was holding both of his boys in his palms, standing outside of the strange version of Grillby's Stretch insisted they go to for lunch. Red frowned, looked at Fell, then nodded, although Sans could tell he wasn't happy about it. Sans turned to Fell, who simply scowled before nodding. Sans chuckled to himself before placing them on his shoulders and taking a deep breath. He paused, then pushed himself forward, opening the door and making himself enter and shut it behind him. Stretch was already sitting at the bar and was looking for him, smiling when he came in.

Sans smiled back, walking quickly to the bar and trying to not look at the people staring at him. It didn't feel like they were sizing him up at all, more like they were curious. He wasn't sure if that was better or worse. Once he got himself on the tall stool he set Red and Fell on the counter, opening a large menu for them to look in. For the most part Sans ignored Stretch, who had already been served and was surely staring at him.

"Ahuhuhu, hello, darling~!" Sans jerked up a little, a bit shocked. Muffet was NOT a bar owner in his world. Yet here she was.

"What can I get you?" she asked, smiling brightly. Sans looked down at Red quickly, motioning for him to order.

"I would like a small chocolate cake for me and my brother to share, please." Red asked quietly, staying close to Fell. Muffet nodded, writing it down before turning back to Sans.

"I just want some mustard, if you have any." Muffet huffed, looking over at Stretch with disdain before running off, mumbling something about "darn skeletons cleaning out her condiments". Sans chuckled a little before turning to Stretch, noticing the brown bottle he held.

"Honey. Drives her nuts." Stretch said simply, not turning to look at Sans. Sans smirked before turning back to his boys, who were walking around cautiously, peering over the edge of the counter. Soon enough their food came and Fell and Red dug in, careful to clean up any crumbs they spilled. Sans sipped at his mustard, perfectly content to close his eyes and relax to the small noises Red and Fell made.

"Papa, we're done." Red called out. Sans looked down at them and smiled, grabbing a napkin from Stretch before cleaning them off gently. Stretch paid for their meal and they left, Red and Fell almost instantly falling asleep in Sans' hands after filling themselves with the rich food. Sans was following Stretch home, smiling as he watched his boys sleep, when Stretch spoke up.

"You're a real good dad, you know that?" Sans looked up and scowled, trying to detect if there was any spec of derision in the taller's voice. All he could sense was a quiet awe. Sans smirked, looking back down at the two skeletons he had grown to consider his sons. Yeah, he was a pretty okay dad.

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