Chapter 10

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Ciel jumped up and snatched the letter out of Sebastian's hand.
"This is an order Sebastian leave us alone unless I say otherwise." Said Ciel angrily
"As you wish young master." Said Sebastian sighing. When he left the room he smiled a bit because of how well he planned this out.
"SEBASTIAN!" Yelled Ciel enraged
"What is it young master?" Asked Sebastian smirking as he opened the door.
"This letter is blank." Said Ciel still furious
"Oh my mistake then." Said Sebastian trying to hide his smile.
"Just go away." Said Ciel in an angry sigh.
"Yes young master." Said Sebastian bowing enjoying Ciel's frustration.
"Now where were we lady (y/n)?" Asked Ciel.

Lizzy's P.O.V.

"I hope (y/n) is okay." Said Paula
"Let's go visit her. Sebastian said that she is still at the manor." I said
"Ok I'll get the carriage ready." Said Paula happily

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I love the times I have spent with Ciel especially with what happened today. Eventually we had to stop though because we both have asthma.
"Sebastian what time is it?" Asked Ciel after we were both dressed
"It is 6:30." Said Sebastian appearing out of nowhere
"Is dinner prepared yet?" Asked Ciel
"Yes master do you wish to eat now?" Asked Sebastian
"Yes," said Ciel "would you care to come eat with me lady (y/n)?"
"No, I would love to join you." I said happily
"CIELLLLLL (Y/N)" said a familiar voice
"Oh no its Lizzy." We both said together with Sebastian snickering behind us.

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