Chapter 14

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I meant to make a chapter for Ciel's birthday but I got caught up on semester finals and family stuff. Anyways I know Christmas is in 2 days so I decided to do a sort of Christmas chapter.

                                Ciel's P.O.V
I stayed up all night preparing to make it up to her.
"Sebastian"  I said as to not wake (y/n).
"Yes young master?" Said Sebastian semi quiet
"Prepare a carriage," I said "we need to go to town for a bit."
"Yes young master" Sebastian said bowing

                            20 minutes later
"Mind me asking sir," said Sebastian "but why are we going to town at two in the morning."
"It's important," I said "and it's also none of your business."
As we arrived at the shop, I told the driver to take us to, I found the exact thing I was looking for. I got out of the carriage with Sebastian and walked into the store
"Welcome to mine and my husband's all night shop, we have several Christmas specials going on right now. Just let me now if you need anything." Said the manager Paige. I spotted what I was looking for and took it to the counter.
"This is quite beautiful, I assume it's going to a special someone?" Said Paige
"Yes it is going to someone very special." I said
"Thank you and come again." She said as we walked out the door
It was mostly silent on the way back to the manor. As we got back to the manor Sebastian decided to speak.
"Young master tomorrow is Christmas Eve, do you wish me to decorate for this special a cation.
"Do as you please just have it finished before sunrise." I said
"Yes young master." Said Sebastian
Since Sebastian was decorating for the a cation I might as well wrap this. When I finished wrapping it, I went back upstairs and fell back asleep next to (Y/n).

                            That morning
(Y/n) rolled over and slightly hugged me as she was waking up. I turned and looked at her.
"Good morning beautiful." I said smiling
"I love it when you smile." She said smiling back at me.
"Young master, your morning tea and breakfast ready." Said Sebastian
"Are you ready to eat beautiful?" I asked (y/n)
"I'm ready to do anything with you." She said
After we finished eating I decided to give her her gift.
"I know it's not Christmas yet but I really wanted to give you this." I said handing her wrapped box.
"Oh Ciel it's a beautiful.....

Ok yes I know I'm bad a cliffhangers but I tried lol. What do you think Ciel got you? Let me know, also if you have any suggestions also let me know

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