Chapter 3 - New school, No friends.

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Thorns POV

The morning light strained through the window and landed at my eyes. Ugh where am I? I suddenly remember the whole of yesterday. My heart ached to see my friend again. My stomach felt queasy from thinking about a new school.

I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, ate breakfast and packed my bag. The school wasn't far so I decided to walk. I'd rather walk than be with my family. I reached an alley that was the only thing blocking me from the school. I slowly went through it. I felt like I was being watched.

I looked in every direction unable to find the thing so I sped up a bit. As soon as the alley ended and I saw my school I felt safe. I felt like something was watching me but I just trekked on into the school. First day. Yay.


Lunch came fast so I headed to the school library. On the way I saw a group of teens sitting at a table in the cafeteria. They had a strange vibe coming from them. I felt it. It... was strange.

I entered the library and almost immediately a librarian came over to me. "Hello there young man, how may I help you?" she asked. She was actually pretty young to be working in a school library and she had her blonde hair in a tight bun held together with pencils.

"I'm looking for history on this town. Is it possible there are records or something?" I asked shyly. She thought about it for a second and suddenly responded "we have a journal but that's about it." I nod and say "sure."

She leads me to a bookshelf that says local history. There weren't many books. Most were nearby towns too. But there was one old looking book that was held together with what looked like dried vines that had a shininess. It was strange.

"Most of its complete gibberish but it's the best we've got for proof." I held the book in my hand inspecting it as the librarian led me back to the desk so I can sign it out. I signed out the book and sat in a quiet corner of the library.

I opened the diary to have my mouth drop. 'This Journal Belongs to Thea Anders.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2013 ⏰

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