doing stupid things, that's what life is about part 2

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Part 8

Quinn’s p.o.v

I’m definitely drunk, I can feel it. The alcohol is twisting my brain around and leaves me thinking up is down and right is wrong. I can drink the whole night without feeling noticing it, but Julia is obviously not one of those girls who doesn’t get influenced alcohol a lot. She just can’t deal with a lot of liquor.

And even I have to admit.. I’m starting to feel the alcohol running through my body.

‘Who were you calling?’ I scream to Julia, while I can see a boy who’s quite drunk giving her her phone back.

‘Harry!’ Julia screams, her voice sounding high. The look in her eyes makes me a little scared, like she’s too drunk to talk normal, like she’s too drunk to walk straight.. ‘HARRY STYLES BITCH.’

In my old life, I’d screamed and fangirled with her, but now I’m sober enough to realize she’s making mistakes. ‘Shut the fuck –‘

‘Hey girl.’ I can feel two hands behind my back, touching my body. For a second, I let his hands move my body and dance with him, but then I realize I can’t do this. As much as I hate it, I have to stop being the crazy girl I always was. I’m a participant of The X Factor now, I’m dating Niall Horan and I already get followed by paparazzi. I turn around, push against his body and say: ‘Stay away from me.’

‘Do I know you?’ the boy says. His breath smells like alcohol, his body is all sweaty and he looks crossed-eyed. ‘I know you.’ He comes a little closer and I set a step back, grabbing Julia’s hand.

‘Julia, we have to go. Seriously, we can’t do this.’ I turn around and see Julia’s dancing with a boy. He has curly brown hair, and my brain is so twisted around that for a second it’s Harry. Then I realize Harry isn’t here, that he’s home with Niall, probably getting more and worried every second.

‘We’re doing nothing,’ Julia says, but she steps away from the boy she’s dancing with. He’s so drunk that he doesn’t seem to care and his eyes are already following every girls body, looking for a new victim to dance with. Julia comes closer to me and grabs my hand again, and for a second I think she wants to leave, just like me, but then we both hear a well-known number.

‘WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!’ I scream, and I promise myself to leave the club after dancing on this number. We both let our body movie, let the moment take us. I take another drink, and Julia wants to do the same, but I shake my head and put her glass back on the bar. She’s already too drunk. More alcohol won’t be good for her. ‘Don’t do.’

I never thought Julia would be this reckless and wild. I always imagined her as a sweet girl who could drink a bit.. but I didn’t expect her to be like this.

‘That’s what makes you beautiful,’ I sing, and I’m amazed that my voice still sounds pretty good after so many drinks.

‘If only you saw what I could see.’ First I think it’s Julia who’s singing, but then I realize that everybody in the room knows this song. Half of the girls here are probably fans.. which means.. half of them probably recognized Julia and me.

I take another drink, and another. I’m getting more and more drunk. My intention to leave after WMYB is already gone and we dance for at least another five songs, getting more closer and closer each other.

It feels like we’re dancing for hours. Julia takes more and more drinks, but I’m not sober enough anymore to care. We’re coming closer and closer to each other and just when I realize people would probably think we’re lesbians, we hear ‘I kissed a girl’ coming out of the speakers.

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