the morning after....

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Part 9

Julia’s p.o.v

I felt like shit, i was awake but i had my eyes closed. I was lying on an bed or sofa or something. I opened my eyes very slowly. The light was to bright! I closed them and tryed to move a little. Every part of my body was hurting. I noticed i was laying on someone’s lap. I looked up and saw harry’s face, sleeping. he looked really tired. What happened last night!? Me and quinn went out and the boys would meet us later, but they never came or did they? I remember drinking a lot. I was just so happy to be here with quinn and the boys and i don’t know. I guess i just got a little over excited.. I saw niall laying on the sofa in front of me his eyes were the same as harry’s, tired and angry at the same time. I didn’t see quinn anywhere. I stood up, she was lying behind niall on the sofa. My head hurt so much, this was definitly my worst hangover ever. I walked up to the kitchen to get some water. I was so glad my parents weren’t here. I was still under eighteen and they would freak out. They didn’t like harry very much. Well they liked him but they didn’t liked that i was dating him, with all they fame and girls and stuff. They tought he would break my heart. I couldn’t blame them, he just had kinda a reputation. I wonder if they have like a pill against a hangover, probably not. ‘so, you awake?’ i heard harry’s voice behind me, he didn’t sound happy. ‘ehh yeah, good morning’. i wasn’t sure how angry he was at me, because i didn’t remembered what i did last night. ‘do you have any idea how worried i was?!’ he didn’t try to hide how mad he was. I shook my head, ‘i’m sorry’. ‘yeah, you should be!’. ‘do you even know what happened last night?’. i shook my head again, i was so ashamed of myself. I didn’t want to know what i had done. Harry started screaming, he told me i was so that i didn’t even knew were i was, that i was so stupid that i hardly knew who he was! He was screaming so hard at me now that i got scared. Quinn and niall had woken up and they came to the kitchin when the heard harry screaming. He went on, ‘you know a guy told me trough the phone he was going to take you home, he told me me what he was going to do with you and there was absolutely nothing i could do! If quinn hadn’t screamed the name of the street i wouldn’t been able to find so and to get you home.’ i had never seen harry this mad, he was almost crying of anger. ‘you and quinn were fighting with those guys! You could hardly defend yourself because you could hardly stand!

You’re not a fighter and if you hadn’t kicked him in the balls, you would have probably been dead by now, you’re lucky quinn is good at kickboxing cause otherwise you both would be dead by now, DEAD!’ . niall and quinn had been staring at harry for some time now, niall stepped forward and pulled harry’s arm. ‘harry stop bro, that’s enough’. i knew i was gonna cry but i didn’t want to, so i ran out of the kitchin and locked myself in the bathroom.

Quinn’s p.o.v

When I open my eyes again, I see a guy with blonde hair in front of me. I’m lying on a sofa, and for a second I’m afraid the guy is one of those I fought with, but then I realize it’s Niall.

Just at the moment I want to let go of his hand, he turns around and looks me into the eye. ‘You’re awake.’

‘Of course. Who the fuck is screaming so loud?’ I pop myself up on one elbow and hold my head with my hands. I never actually had an hangover, but now I know how it feels like. Horrible.

‘That’s Harry. Come, we should see what he’s doing.’ Niall takes my hand and I’m so happy that he doesn’t sound angry, that I stand up without complaining and follow him when he walks to the kitchen.

There are only two persons – Julia and Harry. Julia looks like she’s about to cry and Harry is indeed the one who’s screaming. I didn’t know that it was possible to sound both sexy and angry at the same time, but Harry just proved me wrong. But that’s not really what I care about at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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