Chapter 10

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 Mirror Universe: Regular John

As John undressed for bed, he couldn't help the excited buzz running through his system. Here he was, preparing to spend the night sleeping next to Sherlock Holmes. He'd had one particular fantasy a few months back after a case that had him particularly unnerved. They'd both come back cold after being sprayed with water while chasing a fleeing suspect through London. The winter weather had left them with near hyperthermia by the time they'd caught him and made their way back to the flat. Sherlock's lips were tinged with blue and John made him strip and get into a lukewarm shower to slowly warm up. John had followed right after but made sure to bundle Sherlock up in his comforter on his bed. John had wanted very much to crawl right under the covers and snuggle up for body warmth. The urge had been so strong he'd almost done it despite the fact that it would have been a "bit not good" for him to reveal his desires at that moment. He'd had no idea if Sherlock would have startled and kicked him out of the bed, so he'd tamped down his urge and went into the shower alone instead.

When he'd finally warmed up, he trudged upstairs to his room to finish getting warm in his lonely bed.

Now, here he was. Not only was he invited by the detective himself, but there was an underlying expectation that they'd been sleeping together for years. John pulled back the covers and slid between Sherlock's sheets. They were not as decadent as he'd suspected they might be. The thread count was high enough by most standards but very warm and comfortable. He sighed and stretched out his legs. The mattress was certainly of higher quality than his own. He might enjoy sleeping down here tonight.

Sherlock joined him a few minutes later dressed in comfortable sweats and a t-shirt. John offered him a brief smile as he felt the bed dip from Sherlock's weight. Sherlock lay on his side looking at him in a curious way before placing his hand on John's cheek. The gesture, sweetly romantic, made his heart beat faster and he laced his hand on top.

"Thank you for this," he said. "I know you must be confused, but I need time to adjust to his life. I've always wanted this with you. You must have known at some level that I did."

"Yes. I knew from the first moment we met," Sherlock said.

John closed his eyes at that and wondered if his Sherlock had known too. So much time wasted between them. But in this reality, they'd become lovers right away, maybe even too soon. What must the John in this world have given up for the mad genius's affections? What would he have to give up now, he wondered.

"Good night, Sherlock," John whispered.

"Good night, my John," Sherlock whispered back.

The next morning John awoke to an empty bed and a feeling of disappointment. He heard Sherlock in the shower getting ready for the day and decided to get up as well. He felt rested and ready to tackle more of the mysteries of his new world. He learned from Sherlock that he did not work at a clinic and spent his days entirely at the disposal of the consulting detective. It felt both freeing and upsetting not to have a job to go to.

As soon as Sherlock emerged from this shower sporting only a loose towel around his slender hips, John took his turn in the shower. The memory of a slightly damp Sherlock had him thinking about taking himself in hand for a wank, but he decided against it. The detective would know, and he didn't need the complication of his attraction so blatantly obvious just now. With his new resolve to take this slow with Sherlock firmly in place, he reached out to turn off the water when a shadow fell over him.

"Good morning, John," Sherlock said and stepped up behind him.

"Didn't you just shower?" John asked hearing his voice rise at least two octaves.

"Yes, but I'd like another," Sherlock rumbled into his left ear.

When had he gotten so close? John thought. "Sherlock," John began "I-I,"

"You said we should take things back to the beginning, John. I'm going to seduce you properly this time," he said, reaching around John's waist and running long-fingered hands up and down his sides. John could feel Sherlock's taunt chest, abdomen, and hardened cock pressed up against his back and couldn't for the life of him remember why this shouldn't be happening.

Sherlock pressed small, fluttering kisses along the back of his neck as his hands slid around to John's stomach. John's brain spun as the kisses grew more ardent and Sherlock took his left earlobe into his mouth pulling and sucking. He let out a soft moan at the sensation that shot straight to his cock. Sherlock's hands spread out suddenly and pushed John firmly into Sherlock's front. He could feel Sherlock rutting gently into his lower back and moaned again at the idea that he could get the detective so eager for him.

One of the hands disappeared for a moment and came back encased in bath gel. Before he could think to disagree, Sherlock wrapped his long fingers around his cock and began to stroke it languidly. The feeling of pleasure was indescribably hot. John instantly felt his body building toward orgasm. He'd already been keen to have a wank and Sherlock's hand had him breathing heavy in less than a minute.

John couldn't think, only feel. He'd had this fantasy a hundred times, and now here he was writing under Sherlock's touch for real. He didn't want it to stop. Whatever Sherlock wanted, he could have. Two more strokes and John came all over the shower's wall in front of him. He put up one hand to steady himself as he came down from one of the hardest orgasms in had in years and turned around to face his flat mate.

Something turned then, and John reached out to pull his best friend into a kiss. He kissed Sherlock hard and insistent holding nothing back. He poured years of unresolved lust, love, admiration and desire into it. When he pulled back, he could see surprise in Sherlock's eyes.

"You haven't kissed me like that in a long time," he said.

"I've never kissed you like that. That was our first kiss. I've been waiting for years to give you that."

"I think I now believe you. You are John, and I will take you any possible way I can have you. You are mine in any version of any world."

John felt a sob rise in him at that, but before he could let it loose, Sherlock kissed him again and kept kissing him until the water ran cold.


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