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Everyone saw it coming, there was no surprise. Touka and Kaneki had just announced their relationship after the half ghoul's return to the Antieku. Cheers and applauses were heard; however, the happiness wouldn't last forever.

Not long after that, Touka had announced that she was pregnant, much to Kaneki's happiness. The two were extremely excited needless to say. Finally, they were going to have their happy ending. Along the stages of Touka's pregnancy, they thought up of names. Both girls and guys like; teasing one another about how they would (probably) fail as parents.

The CCG had planned an attack on the 20th ward—to suppress the Owl, that killed many of their comrades years ago. Luckily, Touka and Kaneki moved out before hand, not being able to experience the upcoming massacre between the humans and ghouls.

The manager had instructed everyone to act as usual, if the ghoulish couple made an appearance. They had all agreed; the kids deserved to be happy, they had suffered enough. The secret wouldn't last long, aware that the two would eventually find out on their own.

But for the time being, it was time to act. To get everything into place. Hours painfully dragged on, time seemed to have slowed down. It was time. The battle continued for hours, until the Manager, Irimi and Koma were defeated. Waiting to die, they didn't expect the unannounced arrival of a certain white haired ghoul. A smile crept on their faces as he saved them from certain death.

Once Irimi and Komi were (presumably) safe, Kaneki ran to Yoshimura, hoping he'd get to the gentle old ghoul's aid; he was like a grandfather he never had. Moreover, he was stopped, by an all too familiar person.


The albino tried to get passed the male, but he was stubborn and refused Kaneki to pass. The half ghoul began losing his patience, and yelled at the older man. Questioning why he had prevented him from going on any further.

"Kaneki. Think about Touka and the baby."

Came the voice of Yomo, face stoic. Hues widen at the realization. He was right, how could he be so stupid? Snapping back to his senses, Kaneki—unwillingly—retreated, carefully hidden within the shadows.
5 years later

Kaneki Daisuke was born to Ken and Touka, a few months after the whole Owl ordeal. He was an exact replica of his father, the only notable differences where the eye color, and facial structure of his mother.

Now at the age of 5, he happily lived with his parents and uncle. Daisuke was pretty smart too, gaining his intellect from Kaneki, coincidentally, he also held love for literature. He was an absolute momma's boy, often found following the she-ghoul around the house or simply within her presence.

He loved his Father and uncle immensely too!

He was adored by ghouls and humans alike. His adorable easy-going attitude had attracted many—even the coldest of hearts melted at the sight. Nishiki, Tsukiyama, and many of their ghoul friends came to love Daisuke as he were their own. Shuu would occasionally joke about dinning on little Daisuke—which of course, ended up with Kaneki threatening to kill the gourmet ghoul if he so much laid a finger on him.

There wasn't anyone in te 20th ward that didn't know about him. His parents had also opened a small cafe called :Re, where he spent most of time, helping out whichever way he could.

He was content with his life, he had everything most kids didn't, and he was truly grateful to have been born into his family—never once rebelling as he was a good boy.
However, Daisuke was oblivious the upcoming danger.
A tragedy that would change his life forever.
"I'm not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I'm just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But... if, for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be...a tragedy."
"I think it's because we want to live. Is there something wrong about that? We were all given life and raised. If the only thing we can do is eat can we ever live correctly with a body like this? Even ghouls...even I want to live just like you guys!"
A/N: Yo, so like, this is my first Wattpad fanfiction..and I hope you enjoyed! I'm really sorry for shit writing skills though, I try, I really do. ;-; anyways! I'll see you all soon!

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