Chapter 17

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Morgan was in front of Club X at exactly 2 pm and a waitress who'd been busy wiping the tables let him in, saying that they were expecting him.

The girl led him to an office in the back and knocked softly on the door. The Russian man opened the door with a wide grin. Morgan returned it as he stepped inside.

"Glad you could come," The American one said.

"Wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world," Morgan said, earning two approving nods from the men.

"So let's cut to the case," The American one said. "We'd like to offer you a job."

Morgan was caught of guard. Even if this had been what he wanted it seemed way too easy. He already knew there would be a catch.

"I wouldn't mind working for you," Morgan said cautiously, waiting for their demands.

The men looked at each other with vicious smiles.

"Are you willing to hand over your whores?"

Fuck. Morgan didn't have any girls. His mind wandered to the prostitutes, but he doubted that he could take them just like that. He wasn't a monster. Though, he could try to convince some of them. No. They wouldn't want anyone to take the freedom from them. Especially not if he can't promise they'll get it back.

"Of course," He said instead, not sure how he would solve this predicament.

The men were happy with this answer and one of them went to the desk to get some papers. "You will have to sign these papers. It's just so we know that you won't give away any client information." Morgan took the papers and signed without even reading, looking more eager and willing to do this job. "We know a good man when we see him and you, my friend..."

The man got interrupted by the waitress who knocked on the door to let them know that the FBI was there.

Morgan didn't need to fake his fear of being caught way too early. The men looked just as panicky, something he hadn't expected from them.

"Is there a back door?" Morgan asked.

"Only the windows."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Morgan asked and pried the window open, jumping out before the men.

When they were down, Morgan took of running towards the street.

"Do you have a car?" He asked and the Russian man motioned for a lonely jeep that stood parked on the parking lot.

They hurried over and as soon as all of them were in they drove away.

"Why exactly are we running away?" The American man decided to ask now.

"They were with the FBI. You kidnapped a fed," Morgan explained.

"How would they know it was us? She's in Dubai by now." The Russian man said angrily, not realizing his slip-up. But Morgan did.
The only thing she could hear in that moment was a low moaning. There was pain too, but she needed to focus first to find out what was going on. Her head was too heavy and opening her eyes was a harder task than it should have been. She knew she was lying down on some kind of cold surface, most likely the floor, and someone was lying right behind her. Trying hard to remember what had happened before she passed out, she pried her eyes open. Metal bars. Shoes. No, legs. Some guy watching her. Metal bars. Was she really in a prison? She wanted to sit up, but it was an impossible case and the pain she'd been feeling before had increased. The moaning and panting increased too, together with a man's laughter.

She stirred, trying to pull away but whatever drug she had gotten made her weaker. Not again. She couldn't do this anymore. Emily needed to get away. Swinging her head back, she heard a loud crack followed by some swearing in Arabic. This was enough for Emily to squirm away and get onto her feet.

Consanguinity kills the cat(Criminal Minds fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now