Chapter 20

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The five girls had been back in their rooms for about five hours when two men came in to get Emily, Anya and Elin. Neither Anya nor Elin protested, but Emily had to.

"We haven't gotten our results yet," she tried, but the men just looked at her with a smirk.

"That doesn't stop business, honey."

Before Emily reluctantly followed them out she managed to fish out the coke from her bra and stuff it under a pillow. As the guy held her firmly in his hand she shook him off, meaning that she was perfectly fine walking on her own.

They needed the three of them to shower, dress in whatever sexy underwear they thought fit and put on matching make-up, this time light for Emily.

She wasn't sure what kind of man she was meeting today, but her whole appearance looked kind of different to how they normally made her look. Her instructions had been very light, hardly noticeable make-up which wasn't usual for any of them. This time she had been forced to wear a very light and soft pink attire. It was a corset with matching thongs.

Pink wasn't either a color she'd normally wear or had ever worn here. It had always been dark colors and heavy make-up.

She finished everything with spraying some perfume on her as instructed by the two men and then she was ready to go. Or not ready. She could never be ready for anything like this, but she was done and all set to go.

The other two walked in front of her and was led into their rooms first and it pained Emily to see Anya being tied to her bed both with her hands and feet, making her into a big X.

Emily took a deep breath as she continued along and stopped outside a door while the man escorting her locked it up. He followed her inside and told her to get onto her stomach, chaining her hands as she did so. Then she heard him leave, the door clicking shut behind him, and now she just had to wait for whoever would enter the room next.

It didn't take long before someone did and Emily was nervous. She didn't turn her head at first, like so many times before, but when the man didn't speak she got more curious and tried to see. The man was already behind her and the chained wrists made it impossible to see him.

The man got on the bed, starting to run a hand up her legs and feeling her up. His hands were soft and so was his touch which just gave Emily even more shivers.

When he got closer, after even more soft touches, something made her tense. That smell. No, it couldn't be. It smelled of roses and some other flowery scent that a man would never have worn. Was it really a woman?

The same soft hand as before gripped her hair and pulled it back a lot rougher than she had been before. She breathed into Emily's ear and inhaled her scent before whispering with a sultry voice.

"You are so fucking hot."

Emily gulped, tears immediately springing to her eyes. This was something she would've never expected. A woman to buy sex from a human trafficking ring. To buy sex from abused women that could've easily been her too. But it wasn't her, it was Emily who was stuck there, which she was glad for. Emily wouldn't want anyone else to go through the same thing she had gone through, even if they were about to force themselves upon her.

Emily shuddered as the woman ran her free hand down Emily's sides and over her breasts. The woman started kneading them through the corset and Emily tried to squirm away, but it was pointless.

"Shhhh... Just lie back and enjoy," the woman said and gave Emily a kiss on her cheek.

"Please..." Emily tried instead, thinking that there must be some sense in this woman. "You don't have to do this. You can help me out of here."

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