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Don't Judge me if your blood can't wash away my sins.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

"I know that I am a sinner, but I confess my sins to God each night. I tell Him that I am sorry and that I won't sin again." If you find yourself in court with a $50,000 fine, will a judge let you go simple because you say that you are sorry and that you won't commit the crime again? Of course not. You should be sorry for breaking the law, and of course you shouldn't commit the crime again. However, if someone stepped in and paid the $50,000 fine, then you would be free to go from the demands of the law.

God will not forgive a sinner on the basis that he is sorry. Of course we should be sorry for sin-we have a conscience to tell us that adultery, rape, lust, murder, hatred, lying and stealing, etc., are wrong. And of course we shouldn't sin again. God will, however, release us from the demands on eternal justice on the basis that someone else paid our fine.

Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ paid in full for the sins of the world. His
words on the Cross were, "It is finished!" In other words, the debt has been paid in full. All who repent and trust in Him receive remission of sins. Their case is dismissed on the basis of His suffering death.

Jesus Christ is the only True judge and he is the ONLY ONE capable of judging us since he paid our debt fully.

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