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"Why do I have to be here?" Josh complained. He was super tired and wanted to just lay in his comfy bed and sleep. He didn't have time for this bullshit.

"Because, you are a millionaire and you need a break." Brendon reminded, with a smirk and a nudge.

Josh owned his own company that sold a line of custom fashion and it made him a lot of money. His company was very successful, earning him about 2.4 million every month. Josh didn't like to throw his money around. He always used the money for something he needed, but on occasion, he would treat himself cause everyone deserved to have some fun.

"I'm perfectly fine, I don't need a-"

Brendon stopped and glared at Josh. He wasn't taking no for an answer. If looks could kill, he'd be on the ground.

Brendon was Josh's best friend. They've been friends since middle school and trusted one another completely. They were an odd duo, but were best friends, none the less.

"Fine, but only this one time." They continued down the moon illuminated sidewalks. Josh kicked a few pebbles here and there as they walked away from where Josh actually wanted to be. It was actually a really nice night, but Josh would rather sleep.

It was ten at night and they had been only out for a little walk when Brendon mentioned the strip club to Josh. The thought of a crowded and loud club made Josh just leap for joy and shout his excitement from the rooftops!!! Yeah. Right.

The night was cool and the moon was full. The stars were starting to come out, lighting up the sky even more. It was truly beautiful.

"How has life been treating you, Josh?"

The truth was,
Josh was kind of depressed. He really didn't have a plan for his future and the life was living right now was...was pointless. Go to work, go home, go to work, and come home again, It was endless cycle that was taking a tole on him.

"All's well I suppose. What's going on with you?" He lied. He didn't like to lie to his best friend, but he didn't want Brendon to worry about him.

Josh listened to Brendon's life story. It was way more exciting his. Josh need to change something in his life.

He always felt.....alone. Alone in that big house, alone at work and just completely alone in general. Maybe need someone to share it all with.


"We're here!" Brendon dragged Josh into the club and immediately got them drinks. Josh had never been a fan of alcohol, but it was just this one time. Right?

They sat at the bar for a while, just chatting about life and such, until they were drunk. They kept falling over things and would almost get themselves into a fight every now and then. It didn't matter, they were having fun.

Despite the place being oddly crowded on the Thursday night, they were having a good time.


A voice came on through the booming speakers, announcing the pole dancer.

"Put your hands together for the, the only, TyCandy!" All the sweaty, horny men went crazy and crowded around the stage.

"Dude, lets go watch!" Brendon yelled over the loud music.

Josh took one last shot, then followed him to the stage. Somehow, they managed to push their way through the crowd to get a perfect view.

Suddenly, the room filled with....bubbles? Josh laughed to himself as the lights lit up on each side of the stage and a different song started playing. The curtains opened and revealed a man. The crowd went wild, including Brendon.  He was wearing a pink skirt and a yellow crop top that fit around his body perfectly.

His curvy hips swayed to the beat as he strutted on stage. Josh watched his every move, carefully, very interested in this boy. As he got closer to the pole, he could see his features more clearly. He had short, fluffy, brown hair, brown eyes, slight stubble and was quite skinny.

Josh was mesmerized the moment he saw him

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Josh was mesmerized the moment he saw him. There was something about him that made Josh go crazy.

His hand wrapped perfectly around the pole. He swung his body skillfully and listened as the crowd called his name. Both men knew he absolutely loved the attention.

Josh watched in awe at how talented the boy was. He had never seen a stripper before and be was loving it so far.

He climbed the pole, using his thighs and hands. When he reached the top, he bent over backwards and ran his hands up and down his body and bit his lip, showing off his tanned skin.

His eyes swept the crowd, all tossing money. His eyes landed on Josh in the front row and their eyes interlocked.

Josh grinned from ear to ear as the stripper winked and slid down the pole. Josh actually blushed and had to look away for a moment, laughing at himself.

His routine was over and the music stopped. He bent over towards The crowd and gathered all his earned money, giving quick smiles as he went along.

His walked over to Josh and grabbed his money. He stood up a little and ran his nails over Josh's jawline, before winking and walking off.

"What just happened?" Josh question and looked over to his friend.

Brendon was doubled over on the floor out of breath. He had been laughing at Josh when the stripper winked at him. He'd never seen anything like that before and thought it was the funniest shit. Probably the alcohol talking at this point.

Josh rolled his eyes and started walking off.

"Dude....wait up!" Brendon called, still out of breath. 


Welcome back! (If you read the old version) Welcome to the new and improved, Joshler trash!

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